From Dickinson College Wiki
- Bartlett, Bruce. "What Caused the '29 Crash & Great Depression?" NCPA. National Center for Policy Analysis. Mar.-Apr. 2006
- "Calvin Coolidge." Microsoft Encarta. Mar.-Apr. 2006 <>.
- "Commanding Heights: Germany Overview." PBS. Mar.-Apr. 2006
- "Commanding Heights: Timemap." PBS. Mar.-Apr. 2006.>.
- Engerman, Stanley L. "Globalization and History: the Evolution of a Nineteenth-Century Atlantic Economy." Journal of Interdisciplinary History 31.4 (2001): 618-621.
- Ferguson, Niall. "Sinking Globalization." Foreign Affairs Mar.-Apr. 2005: 64-77.
- Forbes, Steven. "The Great (and Continuing) Economic Debate of the 20th Century." Center for Constructive Alternatives and the Ludwig von Mises Lecture Series. “Great Economists of the Twentieth Century.”. Hillsdale College. Mar.-Apr. 2006 <>.
- Fratantuono, Michael J. The Battle Over the Hawley-Smoot Tariff Bill of 1930. Dickinson College. 1-29.
- "Hawley-Smoot Tariff Act." Columbia Encyclopedia. Mar.-Apr. 2006 <>.
- "Smoot-Hawley Tariff." US Department of State. Mar.-Apr. 2006 <>.
- "U-S-History.Com." Mar.-Apr. 2006 <>.
- Vance, Laurence M. "What They Won'T Tell You About Capitalism." Mises.Org. Pensacola JC. Feb.-Mar. 2006