libertinus, -a, -um: of a freedman
quisvis, cuiusvis: any whatever and INDEF whoever it be, whom you please; any whatever
fenestra, -ae, f.: window, opening for light
arguo, -ere, -i, -tus: prove, argue, allege; disclose; accuse, complain of, charge, blame, convict
quadringenti, -ae, -a: four hundred
purpura, -ae, f.: purple color, purple; purple dye; purple-dyed cloth
ovis, -is, f.: sheep
possideo, -ere, possedi, possessus: seize, hold, be master of; possess, take/hold possession of, occupy; inherit
divitia, -ae, f.: riches, wealth
nuper: recently
quandoquidem: since, seeing that
maiestas, -tatis, f.: majesty, dignity; majesty of people/state; sovereignty
funestus, -a, -um: deadly, fatal; sad; calamitous; destructive
nummus, -i, m.: coin; cash; money; sesterce
erigo, -ere, erexi, erectus: raise, erect, build
crepito, -are: rattle/clatter; rustle/crackle
nidus, -i, m.: nest