custos, -ōdis, m.: guardian, watchman
fingo, fingere, finxi, fictum: shape, mold, make
cerno, cernere, crēvi, crētum: sift; distinguish; decide, determine; make out, perceive
fĕro, ferre, tŭli, lātum: bear, carry; endure, withstand; say; take, accept
vŏlo, velle, volui: wish, be willing
rĕvīso, -ĕre: pay another visit; go back and see, return to
nĭvĕus, -a, -um: snowy, white
cĭtus, -a, -um: moving quickly, rapid, swift
bīgae, -ārum, f.: a pair of horses (or the chariot drawn by them)
addo, -dere, -dĭdi, -dĭtum: add
huc: adv., to this place or point; to this total or amount
vŏlātĭlis, -e: able to fly
vĕnĭo, venire, vēni, ventum: come
sĭmŭl: adv., at the same time, tohether, as well; conj., as soon as
rĕquīro, requirere, -sīvi or -sii, -sītum: try to find, seek, look for, ask about; need, miss
curro, currere, cŭcurri, cursum: run
iungo, -ngere, -nxi, -nctum: yoke, join, unite
dĭco (1): indicate, show; assign, bestow
dēfessus, -a, -um: exhausted, tired out
mĕdulla, -ae, f. the marrow of the bones; the interior, inside, seat of the emotions
multus, -a, -um: much; a lot of, many a; (pl.) many
languor, -ōris, m.: faintness, exhaustion, lassitude
pĕrēsus, -a, -um: eaten up, worn away, wasted
ămīcus, -a, -um: friend
quaerĭto (1): ask, ask for, seek