From Dickinson College Wiki
nĭhil, nīl: indecl. n., nothing; w/ adv. force, an emphatic form of non; not at all
nĭmĭus, -a, -um: excessive
stŭdĕo, -ēre, -ŭi: concentrate on
Caesar, -ăris, m.: Gaius Julius Caesar
vŏlo, velle, volui: wish, be willing
plăcĕo, -cēre, -cŭi, -cĭtum: be pleasing to
scĭo, -īre, -īvi, -ītum: know
ū̆trum ... an: whether … or
albus, -a, -um: white; transparent, clear, colorless
ăn: particle introducing questions with note of surprise or indignation: can it be that … ?; (after utrum) or
āter, -tra, -trum: black, dark-complexioned