BC 1 Vocab
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- reddō, reddere, reddidī, redditus: return, restore, deliver, render, translate
- aegrē: scarcely, with difficulty, reluctantly
- impetrō, -āre: obtain, procure, succeed
- contentĭo, -ōnis, f.: effort, struggle after, exertion
- rĕfĕro, rĕferre, rettŭli, rĕlātus: bring back, withdraw, return
- dēsum, -esse, -fuī, dēfutūrus: be lacking, fail, abandon, neglect, be missing
- polliceor, -ērī, -itus sum: promise
- audācter: boldly
- sententia, -ae, f.: opinion
- sīn: but if, on the contrary
- respiciō, -ere, -spēxī, -spectus: look back at, consider, respect
- sequor, sequī, secūtus sum: follow, aim at, seek
- auctōritās, -ātis, f.: authority, power, decree, influence
- obtemperō, -āre: obey, comply with, submit to
- quoque: likewise, also
- amīcitia, -ae, f.: friendship
- recipiō, -ere, -cēpī, -ceptus: keep back, recover, accept, take in
- cunctor, -ārī, -ātus sum: delay, impede, hesitate
- lēnis, -e: smooth, mild, calm, slow
- nēquīquam: in vain
- implōrō, -āre: appeal to, invoke, beg
- ōrātiō, -ōnis, f.: oration, speech
- adsum, -esse, affuī, affuturus: be near/present
- ingredior, -ī, -essus sum: advance, walk, enter, begin
- oportet, -ēre, -uit: it is proper/becoming
- dīlēctus, - ūs, m.: selection, levy, draft
- exercitus, -ūs: army
- cōnscrībō, -ere, -īpsī, -īptus: enroll, enlist, write down
- praesidium, -ī, n.: protection, guard, garrison
- tūtus, -a, -um: safe, guarded, out of danger
- dēcernō, -ere, -crēvī, -crētus: decide, settle, declare, judge
- audeō , -ēre, ausus sum: intend, dare, have courage, risk
- cēnseō, -ēre, cēnsuī, cēnsus: think, judge, recommend, decree
- proficīscor, -ī, -fectus: set out
- ēripiō, -ere, -ipuī, -eptus: snatch away, take by force
- retineō, -ēre, -tinuī, -tentus: hold back, restrain
- ferē: almost, about, nearly
- convīcium, -ī, n.: noise, outcry, clamor
- corripiō, -ere, -ripuī, -reptus: seize, lay hold of, carry off
- exagitō, -āre: drive out, stir up, harass, scold
- prōnūntiō, -āre: announce, proclaim
- omnīnō: entirely, altogether
- discēdō, -ere, cessī, -cessus: depart, withdraw, dissipate
- minae, -ārum, f.: threats
- invītus, -a, -um: reluctant, unwilling
- cōgō, -ere, coēgī, coāctus: force, compel
- adversus: in opposition
- cōnfēstim: immediately, suddenly, at once
- intercessiō, -ōnis, f.: veto, intervention
- acerbus, -a, -um: harsh, bitter, strident
- crūdēlis, -e: cruel, severe, savage
- collaudo, -āre: praise highly, commend
- vespĕrus, -a, -um: evening
- ōrdō, -inis, m.: rank, class
- ēvocō, -āre: call forth, summon
- cōnfīrmō, -āre: strengthen, make secure, reassure
- sēgnis, -e: slow
- castīgō, -āre: chastise, punish, correct
- undique: from every direction
- trādō, -ere, -didī, -ditus: hand over, surrender, deliver
- arcessō, -ere, -īvī, -ītus: send for, summon
- compleō, -ēre, -ēvī, -ētus: fill, crowd
- clīvus, -ī, m.: slope, hill
- comitium, -ī, n.: place of assembly
- ēvŏcāti, -ōrum: re-enlisted soldiers
- cōgō, -ere, coēgī, coāctus: congregate, gather
- concurrō, -ere, -currī, -cursus: run together, agree, coincide
- īnfīrmus, -a, -um: weak, fragile
- item: likewise, also, similarly
- doceō, -ēre, -uī, -ctus: teach, show, inform
- cōnficiō, -ere, -fēcī, -fectus: make, prepare, complete, perform
- postulō, -āre: ask for, require
- voluntās, -ātis, f.: will, desire, purpose
- prōpōnō, -ere, -posuī, -positus: display, put forth, propose
- dolor, -ōris, m.: pain, grief, resentment
- aes, aeris, n.: bronze, money (aes alienum: debt)
- māgnitūdō, -inis, f.: size, greatness, importance
- largītiō, -ōnis, f.: generosity, largesse, bribery
- impellō, -ere, -pulī, -pulsus: drive, urge on, push against
- necessitūdō, -inis, f.: obligation, bond, connection, need
- partior, -īrī, -ītus sum: share, divide up, distribute
- arbitrō, -āre: think, consider, judge
- iūdicium, -ī, n.: trial, legal action, court
- adūlātiō, -ōnis, f.: flattery
- ostentātiō, -ōnis, f.: exhibition, showing-off
- polleō, -ēre: exert power or influence
- exaequō, -āre: make equal
- adfinitās, -ātis, f.: relationship, bond
- iniungō, -ere, -ūnxī, -ūnctus: enjoin, charge, impose upon
- īnfāmia, -ae, f.: disgrace
- dominātus, -ūs, m.: rule, mastery, command
- raptim: hurriedly, suddenly
- turbātus, -a, -um: troubled, agitated
- dēprecor -ārī, ātus: avert by prayer, seek to avoid
- retineō, -ēre, -tinuī, -tentus: hold back, retain
- facultās, -ātis, f.: ability, resource
- tribuō, -ere, -uī, -ūtus: divide, assign, grant
- turbulentus, -a, -um: violently disturbed, riotous
- dēnique: finally, in the end
- cōnsuēscō, -ere, -suēvī, -suētus: accustom oneself, be accustomed
- audācia, -ae, f.: courage, daring, audacity
- dētrīmentum, -ī, n.: harm, loss, damage
- perscrībō, -ere, -īpsī, -īptus: report, write out in full
- ineō, -īre, -īvī, -itum: enter, begin, go in
- comitiālis, -e: pertaining to elections
- amplus, -a, -um: great, distinguished, large
- cōnferō, cōnferre, contulī, collātus: bring together, gather
- aequitās, -ātis, f.: justice, equality
- ōtium, -ī, n.: peace, calm
- ostendō, -ere, -dī, -tus: show, reveal, make clear
- comperior, -īrī, -pertus sum: discover, verify
- aliēnus, -a, -um: foreign, unconnected, hostile
- properus, -a, -um: quick
- aerārium, -ī, n.: public treasury
- patior, -ī, passus sum: endure, permit, suffer
- obveniō, -īre, -vēnī, -ventus: come to, go to (by chance or lot)
- praetereō, -īre, -iī, -itus: pass by, disregard, omit
- sors, sortis, f.: lot
- palūdātus, -a, -um: wearing a military cloak
- nūncupō, -āre: vow, proclaim, name
- vetustās, -ātis, f.: antiquity, old age
- fānum, -ī, n.: sanctuary, temple
- permisceō, -ēre, -miscuī, -mīxtus: mix thoroughly, confound
- cōntiōnor, -āri, -ātus sum: address, harangue
- commemorō, -āre: recall, relate, place on record
- dēprāvō, -āre: distort, mislead, corrupt
- queror, -ī, questus sum: complain, protest
- obtrectātiō, -ōnis, f.: disparagement
- laus, laudis, f.: praise, glory, renown
- faveō, ēre, fāvī, fautūrus: favor, befriend, support
- adiūtor, -ōris, m.: assistant, supporter
- notō, -āre: mark, single out, reprimand
- opprimō, ere, -essī, -essus: suppress, crush, overwhelm
- nūdō, -āre: strip, lay bare
- āmittō, -ere, -īsī, -issus: lose
- adimō, -ere, -ēmī, -ēmptus: take away, deprive, steal
- quotiēnscumque: whenever
- perniciōsus, -a, -um: destructive, dangerous
- ēditus, -a, -um: high
- expiō, -āre: atone for, expiate
- cāsus, -ūs, m.: fate, calamity
- prōmulgō, -āre: publish, make publicly known
- pācō, -āre: pacify, subdue
- exīstimātiō, -ōnis, f.: opinion, reputation, esteem
- tumultus, -ūs, m.: commotion, uprising, disturbance
- hībernum, -ī, n.: winter quarters
- sermō, -ōnis, m.: conversation, speech
- officium, -ī: obligation, favor, duty
- mandātum, -ī, n.: order, charge
- pūrgō, -āre: cleanse, excuse
- īrācundia, -ae, f.: anger, resentment
- īrāscor, -ī, īrātus sum: be/become angry, feel resentment
- noceō, -ēre, -cuī, -citus: harm
- levō, -āre: lift up, alleviate
- pertineō, -ēre, -uī, -: reach, relate to, concern
- nancīscor, -ī, nactus sum: find, receive
- quoniam: because
- gravō, -āre: weign down, oppress, accuse
- postulātum, -ī, n.: demand, request, claim
- tollō, -ere, sustulī, sublātus: lift, destroy, remove
- doleō, -ēre, -uī, -itūrus: hurt, grieve; cause grief
- contumēlia, -ae, f.: indignity, insult, abuse
- extorqueō, -ēre, -sī, -tus: tear away
- sēmēstris, -tre: half-yearly (six months in duration)
- impetrō, -āre: obtain, succeed
- simulātiō, -ōnis, f.: pretense, deceit
- quōnam: to what place
- perniciēs, -iei, f.: disaster, ruin, destruction
- sanciō, -īre, sānxī, sānctus: confirm, ratify
- accēdō, -ere, -cessī, -cessūrus: approach, come near
- inveniō, -īre, -vēnī, -ventus: find
- postulātum, -ī, n.: demand, request, claim
- summa, -ae, f.: summit, point, main idea
- quoad: as long as, until
- intermittō, -ere, -mīsī, -missum: interrupt, stop
- condiciō, -ōnis, f.: agreement, contract, proposal
- excēdō, -ere, -cessī, -cessus: withdraw, go beyond
- dēfīniō, -īre, -īvī, -ītus: define, bound, assign
- peragō, -ere, -ēgī, -āctus: finish, complete
- mendācium, -ī, n.: lie, fraud
- religiō, -ōnis, f.: obligation, scruple, religious taboo
- obstringō, -ere, -strinxī, -strictus: bind, oblige, confine
- adferō, adferre, attulī, adlātus: convey, produce, cause
- subsistō, -ere, -stitī, -: halt, stand, cause to stop
- mūniō, -īre, -īvī, -ītum: defend, fortify
- ergā: towards, opposite
- adventus, - ūs, m.: arrival
- diffīdo, -ere, -fīsus sum: distrust, despair, lack confidence
- redūcō, -ere, -dūxī, -ductus: lead back
- circummittō, -ere, -mīsī, -missus: send around to different parts
- frequēns, -quentis: crowded, numerous, full
- mereor, -ērī, -itus sum: earn, deserve
- moenia, -ium: defensive walls, fortifications
- proinde: hence, so then
- dēserō, -ere, -ruī, -rtus: leave, abandon, withdraw
- discēdō, -ere, -cessī, -cessus: withdraw, scatter, go off
- dēprēndō, -ere, -dī, -sus: sieze, catch, surprise
- addūcō, -ere, -dūxī, -ductus: lead up, bring to
- repente: suddenly, unexpectedly
- invādō, -ere, -vāsī, -vāsus: enter, take posession of
- aperiō, -īre, -eruī, -ertus: open, uncover
- prōferō, -ferre, -tulī, -lātus: bring forward
- prōtinus: immediately
- prīdiē: day before
- citrā: on this side of
- collĭgo, -ere, -lēgi, -lectus: assemble, gather together
- attribuō, -ere, -uī, ūtus: assign, grant
- reprehendō, -ere, -endī, -ēnsus: pass judgement on, hold back
- custōdia, -ae, f.: protection, safe-keeping
- praefectūra, -ae: office of a governor, prefecture
- libēns, -entis: willing, cheerful
- iuvō, -āre, iūvī, iūtus: help, serve, please
- exaedificō, -āre: construct
- cupidus, -a, -um: eager, passionate
- abdūcō, -ere, -dūxī, -ductus: lead away, carry off
- incidō, -ere, -cidī, -: come upon, meet
- excipiō, -ere, -cēpī, -ceptus: meet, receive, remove
- rĕcĭpĭo, -ere, -cēpi, -ceptus: take back, recover
- expellō, -ere, -pulī, -pulsus: drive out, banish
- conquīrō, -ere, -quīsīvī, quīsītus: seek out, investigate, hunt up
- frūmentārius, -a, -um: concerning grain
- moror, -ārī, -ātus sum: delay
- contendō, -ere, -dī, -tus: march, strive for, seek
- praemittō, -ere, -mīsī, -missus: send ahead
- interrumpō, -ere, -rūpī, -ruptus: break up, drive a gap in
- antĕcursor, -ōris, m.: scout, vanguard
- iuxtā: near, close to, beside
- perītus, -a, -um: experienced, skilled
- prōpōnō, -ere, -pŏsŭi, -pŏsĭtus: propose, put forward
- ōro, -āre: pray, beg
- subvĕnĭo, -īre, -vēni, -ventus: come to help
- angustia, -ae, f.: narrowness, narrow place
- interclūdo, -ere, -clūsi, -clūsus: cut off, blockade
- frūmentum, -ī, n.: grain
- dispōnō, -ere, -posuī, -positus: distribute, lay out
- custōdĭa, -ae, f.: care, protection
- attribuō, -ere, -uī, -ūtus: assign, allot
- cōntiō, -ōnis, f.: meeting, assembly
- possessiō, -ōnis, f.: possession, property
- iūgĕrum, -i, n.: acre
- singŭlus, -a, -um: apiece, each, individual
- reor, rērī, ratus sum: reckon, calculate, think
- inter-vāllum, -ī, n.: interval, space, distance
- prohibeō, -ēre, -uī, -itus: hinder, restrain, prevent
- ūniversus, -a, -um: all together, whole, entire
- oppidānus, -a, -um: of a small town, provincial, rustic
- obviam: in the way, towards, to meet
- grātulor, -āri, -ātus sum: rejoice, give thanks
- exeō, -īre, -iī, -itus: go out, leave
- dēiciō, -ere, -iēcī, -iectus: drop, throw down
- petō, -ere, -īvī, -ītus: beg
- rĕvertor, -i, -versus sum: turn back, return
- coniungo, -ere, -iunxi, -iunctus: join together, connect
- trīduum, -ī, n.: three days' time
- praeficiō, -ere, -fēcī, -fectus: put in charge
- castellum, -ī, n.: fortress, stronghold
- circumveniō, -īre, -vēnī, -ventus: surround, beset, enclose
- efficiō, -ere, -fēcī, -fectus: bring about, make, produce
- perlegō, -ere, -lēgī, -lēctus: read through
- dissimulō, -āre: conceal, dissemble
- subsidium, -ī, n.: help, relief, reinforcement
- dēficiō, -ere, -fēcī, -fectus: fail, disappoint
- ūsus, -ūs, m.: use, experience, skill
- arcānus, -a, -um: secret, private
- vultus, -ūs, m.: face, expression
- cōnsentiō, -īre, -sēnsī, -sēnsus: agree, be of the same mind
- trepidō, -āre: trembling, anxious
- cōnsuēscō, -ere, -suēvī, suētus: be/become accustomed
- consilior, -āri, -atus sum: consult, take counsel
- cōnsuētūdō, -inis, f.: habit, normal practice
- diū: a long time
- tegō, -ere, tēxī, tēctus: hide, cover, protect
- rescrībō, -ere, -scrīpsī, -scrīptus: reply, write back
- voluntās, -ātis, f.: will, desire
- sīquis, -qua, -quod: if any
- facultās, -ātis, f.: ability, opportunity
- obsidiō, -ōnis, f.: siege, blockade
- circummūnītiō, -ōnis, f.: surrounding with walls, circumvallation
- dīvulgo, -āre: publish
- vesper, -eris, m.: evening
- sēcessiō, -ōnis, f.: revolt
- honestus, -a, -um: distinguished, respected, reputable
- obsideō, -ēre, -ēdī, -essus: besiege
- perficiō, -ere, -fēcī, -fectus: complete
- fīdūcia, -ae, f.: confidence, faith
- permaneō, -ēre, -mānsī, -mānsūrus: continue, last, endure
- prōiciō, -ere, -iēcī, -iectus: throw out, abandon
- mūnītus, -a, -um: fortified, safe
- dīmicō, -āre: fight
- internūntius, -i: messenger
- īgnōrō, -āre: not know, be unfamiliar with
- prō-dūcō, -ere, -dūxī, -ductus: lead forward, bring out
- circumsistō, -ere, -stitī, -status: stand around, surround
- custōdiō, -īre, -īvī, -ītus: guard
- largītiō, -ōnis, f.: generosity, largesse, bribery
- cōnfīrmātiō, -ōnis, f.: encouragement
- commūtātiō, -ōnis, f.: change, reversal
- cāsus, -ūs, m.: disaster, fate, chance
- intercēdō, -ere, -cessī, -cessus: occur, come to pass
- vereor, -eri, veritus sum: fear, dread
- intrŏĭtus, -ūs: entrance, a going into
- licentia, -ae, f.: freedom, license
- dīripiō, -ere, -ripuī, -reptus: tear to pieces
- asservo, -āre: guard
- dispōnō, -ere, -posuī, -positus: place here and there, distribute
- perpetuus, -a, -um: uninterrupted, continuous
- vigilia, -ae, f.: watch
- statiō, -ōnis, f.: outpost, station
- contingō, -ere, -tigī, -tāctus: touch, border on
- expleō, -ēre, -ēvī, -ētus: fill
- ēruptiō, -ōnis, f.: rush, sally
- occulō, -ere, -culuī, -cultus: cover, hide
- remittō, -ere, -mīsī, -missus: relax, send back
- languidus, -a , -um: weak, dull
- quisquam: any, anyone
- conquiēscō, -ere, -quiēvī, -quiētus: rest, sleep
- expectātiō, -ōnis, f.: expectation, suspense
- conspectus, -ūs, m: presence
- obsecrō, -āre: pray
- parcō, -ere, pepercī, parsus: spare
- praetūra, -ae, f.: praetorship
- petītiō, -ōnis, f.: candidacy, petition
- sublevō, -āre: support, raise up
- interpellō, -āre: interrupt, break in on
- maleficium, -ī, n.: injury, crime
- contumēlia, -ae, f.: indignity, insult, abuse
- vindicō, -āre: avenge
- licet, -ēre, -cuit: it is permitted
- impetrō, -āre: obtain, succeed, be granted
- sōlācium, -ī, n.: comfort, solace
- dūrus, -a, -um: hard, harsh, cruel
- cōnsulō, -ere, -luī, -ltus: take counsel, consider
- lūceō, -ēre, lūxī, -: dawn, be light
- convīcium, -i, n.: noise, outcry
- referō, -ferre, rettulī, relātus: return, bring back
- incolumis, -e: unharmed
- advehō, -ere, -vēxī, -vectus: carry, bring
- affĕro, -fere, attŭli, allātus: bring
- continēns, -entis: moderate, limiting
- cōnstō, -āre, -stitī, -statūrus: agree, be correct
- stīpendium, -ī, n.: tribute
- sacrāmentum, -ī, n.: oath of allegiance
- iustus, -a, -um: regular, proper, fair
- commoror, -ārī, -ātus sum: stay, delay