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salvē, salvēte: greetings! hail!

parvus, -a, -um: little

pŭella, -ae, f.: girl; young woman; girlfriend

nāsus, -i, m.: nose

bellus, -a, -um: pretty, nice, fine, charming

pēs, pĕdis, m.: foot; (poet.) a metrical foot; (naut.) the line or sheet by which each of the two lower corners of a square sail is made fast to the ship

nĭger, -gra, -grum: dark, black

ŏcellus, -i, m.: dim. of oculus, eye; as term of endearment, darling

longus, -a, -um: long; tall, svelte

dĭgĭtus, -i, m.: finger

ōs, ōris, n.: mouth; face, countenance

siccus, a, um: dry

sānē: surely, decidedly

nĭmis: adv., too much; very much

ēlĕgans, -antis: discriminating, refined, elegant

lingua, -ae, f.: tongue

dēcoctor, -ōris, m.: a bankrupt person, insolvent debtor

ămīcus, -a, -um: friend

prōvincĭa, -ae, f.: province, a unit of Roman colonial administration, e.g., Bithynia

narro (1): give an account, tell; say

Lesbĭa, -ae, f.: poetic name given the woman loved by Catullus

compăro (1): prepare; acquire, obtain

ō: interjection, expressing grief, pleasure, indignation, or adjuration

saeclum, -i n.: a generation

infăcētus, -a, -um: boorish, gauche

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