Leaders of the Black Power Movement
Malcom X
Malcolm X served as the minister of the Nation of Islam and as its national spokesman. Malcolm X helped the NOI increase from 400 members in 1952 to an estimated 100,000 to 300,000 in 1964.
Huey Newton
Huey Newton was a radical and the co-founder and leader of the Black Panther movement for more than 20 years.
To read more about Huey Newton, please go to [1]
Bobby Seale
Bobby Seal was the co-founder of the Black Panther Movement. His main role in this movement was Self-Defense. As of 2002, Seale continues speaking of his involvement with the Black Panthers and is an advocate for civil rights and social change.
To read more about Bobby Seale, please go to [[2]]
Though three names are listed here, there are many more men and women who aided in the creation and success of the Black Power Movement. For more information about other leaders involved in the Black Panther Movement, please go to http://www.pbs.org/hueypnewton/people/people_other.html