Club Afrique

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Revision as of 03:40, 4 May 2006 by Snydere (talk | contribs)
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Mission Statement

To foster unity and cooperation among students of African descent and the wider Dickinson community as well as to shed light on the rich and diverse cultures of Africa.6


Club Afrique has an African Dance Group, they have an African Spring Feast that includes a dinner and a fashion show modeling traditional African Clothing. They also participate with other groups on campus to hold events.


There are approximatly 25 members of the club. They are all hopeful to offer a variety of ways to share the traditions of their African heritage with the campus. According to the Dickinsonian Club Spotlight: Club Afrique in September 2005, "Matoli Vifansi says that you don't have to be African to get involved; the club's goal is to 'change perceptions of the country and open people's eyes to it.'" 7


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