People First Language
From Dickinson College Wiki
- the handicapped or disabled
- the mentally retarded or he's retarded
- my son is autistic
- she's a Down's; she's a Mongoloid
- birth defect
- epileptic
- wheelchair bound or confined to a wheelchair
- she is developmentally delayed
- he's a crippled; lame
- she's a dwarf (or midget)
- mute
- is learning disabled of LD
- afflicted with, suffers from, victim of
- she's emotionally disturbed; she's crazy
- normal and/or healthy
- quadriplegic, paraplegic, etc.
- she's in Special Ed.
- handicapped parking
- people with disabilities
- people with mental retardation or he has a cognitive impairment
- my son has autism
- she has Down Syndrome
- has a congenital disability
- a person with epilepsy
- uses a wheelchair or a mobility chair or is a wheelchair user
- she has a develomental disablity
- he has an orthopedic disability
- she has short stature
- is nonverbal
- has a learning disability
- person who has...
- she has an emotional disability
- a person without a disability
- he has quadriplegia, paraplegia, etc.
- she receives Special Ed. services
- accessible parking