Violence against women
Anti-Sexism | Feminist Movement | UN Fourth World Conference on Women - Bejing, China | GLBTQ | INCITE | Men's Liberation | Conclusion| Anti-Sexism Sources
Part of the way sexism stays in place is the societal promise of survival fase and unfulfilled as itis, that women will not suffere violence if we attach ourselves to a man to protect us. A woman without a man is told she is cunverable to external violence and, worse, that there is something wrong with her... When she seeks assistance from woman friends or a battered women's shelter, he recognizes the power in woman bonding and fears loss of her servitude and loyalty: the potential loss of his control. The concern is not affectional/sexual identity: the concern is disloyalty and the threat is violence - Suzanne Pharr
For Aspects on Violence click on Michael Kaufman or Michael Kimmel or Groups