Local Anti-Racism Movements

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Home | Background | YWCA | Unity & Amani | NAACP | PA Human Relations Commission | Additional Efforts
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About Anti-Racism Movements

what is "anti-racism"??

Community organizing is a process by which people are brought together to act in common self-interest. (wikipedia)

Miner article--anti-racist education

Unity groups are community- based volunteer organizations composed of both individuals and organizations that work to create a climate that promotes opposition to hate and promotes respect for diversity among all people. Unity groups are usually formed in response to a hate activity Or the threat of such activity in their community and remain active to address the underlying issues of racism and bigotry. Each local unity group is different. Based upon their history, resources available and local situation, the following list includes some of the most common activities of unity groups. (PADNET)

There is a lot going on in the Carlisle and Greater Carlisle area in terms of anti-racism. Organizations such as the YWCA Social Justice Committee and AMANI have been formed in response to racist activity in the community, such as visits by the KKK and the Westboro Baptist Church. Other nationally recognized organizations, such as the NAACP have formed branches in the Greater Carlisle and Greater Harrisburg area.

Dickinson hosts Unity Celebration in response to KKK rally.[1]
Dickinson College hosts a Unity Celebration at Biddle Field on September 23, 2000 in response to a KKK rally.

Carlisle-based Organizations

Other Organizations

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