Racism on Elite College Campuses

Image from "One Consultant's Measure of Racism at a Group pf Predominantly White Colleges and Universities"
This image shows the percentage of all black students who reported being subjected to direct racism while on campus" Princeton Univ. 6% Harvard Univ. 7.6% Yale Univ. 7.8% Johns Hopkins Univ. 8.3% University of Chicago 8.4% Williams College 9.2% Georgetown Univ. 9.3% Cornell Univ. 9.6% Dartmouth College 9.6% Mass. Inst. of Technology 9.7% Columbia Univ. 11.1.% Stanford Univ. 12.4% Wesleyan Univ. 12.5% Northwestern Univ. 14.6% Duke Univ. 15.7% University of Pennsylvania 15.7% Brown Univ. 17.2%
This clearly indicates the amount that a Black student may feel threatened while on their college campus, whether it be harrasment in the form of words, violence, or vandalization.