Additional Efforts

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Carlisle Victory Circle

Carlisle Victory Circle Inc. strives to address racism in two major ways, by:

  • creating school and community awareness around issues of diversity.
  • trying to provide strength, hope, and vision to students who need the help of concerned adults in order to overcome the barriers of racism, classism, poverty

Carlisle Victory Circle tries to create awareness for diversity appreciation by awarding an annual Institutional Diversity Award, by distributing diversity materials throughout the community, and by helping to develop a new program for youth called REACH. Victory Circle also supports students with college scholarships, scholarships for theater troupes, SAT preparation, and college application fee waivers.

The Victory Circle Club at Carlisle High School offers extra supportive services and resources to students. They also have a program in collaboration with Dickinson College students, which provides tutoring and mentoring to students.

Hate Free Harrisburg

Hate Free Harrisburg (formerly known as Harrisburg Community Relations Council) is a consortium of individuals and organizations aiming to build relationships among diverse populations. Hate Free Harrisburg is seeking formal designation by the Anti-Defamation League as a "No Place for Hate" community.

Hope Station

Hope Station was launced in 2000. The Hope Station Council (comprised of area residents, business representatives, and concerned citizens) acts as a catalyst to improve the neighborhood by collaborating with existing entities, creating innovative opportunities, and fostering community development and a higher quality of life. Hope Station also works with Girl Scout Troop #562 and Cub Pack #149, through Dickinson College's Rotaract program. [1]

The Carlisle Way

The Carlisle Way is a broad philosophy covering the school district's vision, mission and beliefs. When Carlisle Area School District officials interview a job candidate, they let that person read a copy of "The Carlisle Way." If prospective employees disagree with the school district philosophy, "they really don't proceed in the interview process," says Assistant Superintendent John Friend. (The Sentinel) The district finalized the philosophy, which addresses diversity and the achievement of all students, in the fall of 2004. It outlines several objectives, including:

  • Promoting understanding of the diversity between groups.
  • Giving students the opportunity to reach academic excellence.
  • Involving parents, employers and community groups.
  • Hiring the best teachers and staff and recruit minorities.
  • Guiding students to achieve their goals.
  • Incorporating technology into teaching.

(The Sentinel)

Check out these websites for more information on anti-racism efforts

Center for Schools and Communities

  • The Center for Schools and Communities works towards "creative and effective solutions to problems that disrupt the educational process and affect school safety." Read about their recent and upcoming events, like the Safe Schools Conference.

Study Circles Resource Center

  • "Helping people work together for Creative Community Change", this resource center brings community members together to discuss and work through problems.

Institute for Cultural Partnerships, Harrisburg

  • Founded by Dickinson's own Shalom Staub, "The Institute for Cultural Partnerships is a non-profit organization whose mission is to help individuals and communities successfully live, learn, and work in our increasingly diverse society."

ADL "No Place for Hate"

  • The Anti-Defamation League (ADL) works towards eliminating anti-Semitism. Check out the site for more information and for updates on current events related to racism and social justice.

National League of Cities Inclusive Community Partnerships

  • "Strengthening & promoting cities as centers of opportunity, leadership and governance"

Pennsylvania Chiefs of Police

  • The Carlisle Police Department, under the Pennsylvania Chiefs of Police, "has taken several steps to deal with the issues of race in the community" over the past year.

  • Founded by the Southern Poverty Law Center, this organization is committed to promoting "respect for differences and appreciation of diversity in the classroom and beyond."

Pennsylvania Inter-Agency Task Force on Civil Tension

  • This is the website for the Pennsylvania Inter-Agency Task Force on Civil Tension. Click here to view links to more organizations & resources.