Local Anti-Racism Sources
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AMANI Festival. <http://www.amanicarlisle.com>
Dickinson College.
Anderson, Margaret and Patricia Hill Collins (eds.) Race, Class, and Gender: An Anthology (5th ed). California: Wadsworth, 2004.
NAACP. <http://www.naacp.org>
PADNET: The Network Website of the Pennsylvania Alliance for Democracy. <http://www.padnet.org/>
PennLive: News from The Patriot News. <http://www.pennlive.com/patriotnews/>
Pennsylvania Human Relations Commission (PHRC). <http://www.phrc.state.pa.us/>
Pennsylvania Inter-Agency Task Force on Civil Tension.<http://www.stopbias.org>
The Sentinel. Carlisle, PA.
Tatum, Beverly. Why Are All the Black Kids Sitting Together in the Cafeteria? New York: Basic Books, 1997.
Unity Celebration. <http://www.dickinson.edu/news/unitypres.html>
Unity Day. <http://www.dickinson.edu/news/unitylr.html>
Wikipedia. <http://www.wikipedia.org>
YWCA. <http://www.ywca.org>.
YWCA Carlisle's Social Justice Committee. Building an Inclusive Community: Reports from Carlisle Agencies, Organizations, and Schools. Carlisle, PA. 2006