Social Action Groups at Dickinson

On its website, Dickinson states that it is committed to preparing young people for "engaged lives of citizenship and leadership in the service of society", is "unafraid to take risks, to speak out on important issues", and "remains[s] decisive and competitive and committed to its own brand of the liberal arts..."
Dickinson's goal of preparing young adults to be leaders and to speak out concerning important issues, no matter how risky, fosters an environment for social action. As a result, Dickinson supports a variety of organizations that address social issues, and, in addition, there are many other non-social action groups that are involved in social justice. In order to learn more about Dickinson's involvement in social action, we conducted a survey to find out what the organizations on campus are doing, how they perceived their effectiveness, and what improvements and or/changes they would like to see in Dickinson's social action community.
At the beginning of this project, our group created a questionnaire composed of twelve questions. The purpose of this questionnaire was to find out more information about groups performing social action at Dickinson College from members of these organizations. The first section of the questionnaire was aimed to obtain information about each specific organization. The second section was designed to learn more about what these student leaders thought about Dickinson’s social action community. We originally sent the questionnaire to club organizations that were listed under the Dickinson Social Action Group website (place it). In doing our research, we also found that there were social action groups on campus that were not listed on this website. We did not immediately receive responses from these groups. After contacting members numerous times we received a majority of the questionnaires back. The following pages are a reflection of the results we found.
We would also like to add that this page is a wonderful resource for existing groups and future groups to hear what students think about them. We encourage the members of these groups to visit this site and make changes. Our hope is that this page will become a resource for Dickinson students and Carlisle residents. Feel free to add links and your own opinions about the questions we have asked. Enjoy!
~ Sincerely,
Sarah Dyson, Melissa Paettie, Goldie Pyka, and Elizabeth Snyder
Table of Contents
Social Action Groups addressing Race and Racism
Social Action Groups addressing Class and Classism
Social Action Groups addressing Gender, Sexism, and Sexuality
Social Action Groups that Address Multiple Issues
Non-Social Action Groups Performing Social Action