Web 2.0 / Google

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Social Bookmarking

del.icio.us Online bookmarking

diigo Online bookmarking, highlighting, and notation

Library 2.0


Flickr:Photo sharing site

Snipshot: Edit photos (crop, rotate, resize) directly on-line from uploaded images or from Flickr

Gliffy: On-line diagramming/drawing tool (like Visio)

Surveys and Forms

SurveyMonkey: Free survey tool. Upgraded version allow additional features. Free version better for creating survey matrix questions.

Wufoo: Free form creation tool. Upgraded version had additional features. Free version better for exporting and graphing data.

Google Online

Google Personalize

Google Programs

Google Earth

SketchUp: Create 3D models for Google Earth

Picasa: Find, edit and share your photos

Documents and Spreadsheets