Web 2.0 / Google

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Social Bookmarking

del.icio.us Online bookmarking

diigo Online bookmarking, highlighting, and notation

Library 2.0


Flickr:Photo sharing site

Snipshot: Edit photos (crop, rotate, resize) directly on-line from uploaded images or from Flickr

Gliffy: On-line diagramming/drawing tool (like Visio)

Surveys and Forms

SurveyMonkey: Free survey tool. Upgraded version allow additional features. Free version better for creating survey matrix questions.

Wufoo: Free form creation tool. Upgraded version had additional features. Free version better for exporting and graphing data.

Google Online

Google Personalize

Google Calendar

Google Maps

Other maps

MS Live Local

Google Programs

Google Earth

SketchUp: Create 3D models for Google Earth

Picasa: Find, edit and share your photos

Documents and Spreadsheets