Minimum Wage in the United States and Japan
From Dickinson College Wiki
History of Minimum Wage
United States
Minimum Wage Definition
United States
- Minimum Wage
- the minimum hourly, daily or monthly wage that must be paid to employees or workers. Each country sets its own minimum wage laws and regulations, and more than 90% of all countries have some kind of minimum wage legislation. (according to wikipedia)
- the federal minimum wage
- $5.15 per hour since 1997
- minimum wage of each state
- (green-States with minimum wage rates higher than the Federal, blue-States with minimum wage rates the same as the Federal, yellow-States with no minimum wage law, red-States with minimum wage rates lower than the Federal)
- Minimum wages in Japan are determined by the Minister of Labor or the Chief of the Prefectural Labor Standards Office, and adjusted taking into consideration changes in economic and other affairs, as recommended by the Minimum Wage Council. Those systems vary with each region in Japan.
- 2 minimum wage systems
- 1)Regional
- applie to all workers
- 5.1~5.9 dollars/ hour (120yen/dollar)
- 2)Industry
- applies to all workers in a specific industry throughout Japan, and the minimum wages vary with the quality of jobs
- 5.1~6.7 dollars/ hour
Minimum Wage Differences
United States
Whom does minimum wage apply?
Whom does minimum wage apply?
United States and Japan Enforcement Laws
United States
- Who regulates?
- Department of Labor's Wage and Hour Division
- What is regulated?
- Minimum Wage
- Overtime
- Child Labor Standards
- Record Keeping
- How are regulations maintained?
- Submitting of Records
- Consequences
- Fines not exceeding $10,000 per violation
- Who regulates?
- Ministry of Labour (Korosho)
- What is regulated?
- Same as United States
- How are regulations maintained?
- Inspections in Demember and Springtime
- Submitting Records
- Consequences
- Fine not exceeding 10,000 yen
United States's vs Japan's Minimum Wage
United State's/Japan's Advantages
United States
- Benefits for working families
- Benefits for disadvantaged workers
- Help reserve the trend of declining real wages for workers
- Strategy to end poverty
- Low public and social costs
United State's/Japan's Disadvantages
United States
- Reduce of labor hours and/or employment
- Reduce profits
- Raise prices
- Attracts immigrants from low wage countries