Will's Sources
From Dickinson College Wiki
Douglas, Ann. “Dharma Bum.” The Nation. 264. no.18 (May 12, 1997): 57-62.
Elteren, Men van. “The subculture of the beats: A Sociological revisit.” Journal of American Culture 22 (1999): 71-100. ProQuest. Dickinson College Library, Carlisle PA. 30 Nov. 2005 <http://www.proquest.com>.
Johnston, Allan. “Consumption, Addiction, Vision, Energy: Political Economies and Utopian Visions in the Writings of the Beat Generation.” College Literature 32 (2005): 103-128. ProQuest. Dickinson College Library, Carlisle PA. 30 Nov. 2005 <http://www.proquest.com>.
Kerouac, Jack. Desolation Angels. New York: Riverhead Books, 1995.
French, Warren. Jack Kerouac. Boston: Twayne Publishers, 1986.
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