Carnell Smith
Anti-Sexism | Feminist Movement | UN Fourth World Conference on Women - Bejing, China | GLBTQ | INCITE | Men's Liberation | Conclusion| Anti-Sexism Sources
Carnell Smith, Board President Executive Director of National Family Justice Association (NFJA)
Carnell A. Smith, non-marital paternity fraud victim, founder and executive director of the United States Citizens Against Paternity FRAUD, was the driving force behind the landmark Georgia paternity fraud legislation that became law on May 9, 2002.
Smith is a nationally recognized expert on paternity fraud. He has testified in favor of paternity fraud legislation from Florida to California, has made numerous radio and television appearances (CBS Early Show, ABC World News, Abrams Report), on America's paternity fraud crisis and has been frequently quoted in major newspapers (USA Today, Washington Times, Orlando Sentinel, Los Angeles Times, Chicago Tribune, Washington Post, Philadelphia Inquirer, Star Tribune). n Men's Equity Congress