OutingClub:MeetingMinutes:October 9, 2006

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Revision as of 03:16, 4 December 2006 by (talk)
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The scheduled backpacking trip for the previous weekend was a no-go and will be indefinitely postponed- if you are interested in leading the trip, speak up!

If you want to make changes to the Outing Club wiki site you can, but please do not make major changes without consulting with an officer first!

The idea of having a possible camping trip ON campus was discussed. We will plan for after fall pause, if you are interested in leading this trip (which would just mean scheduling and getting approval) speak up!

On October 27 there will be a trip to a corn maze outside of Lancaster. The cost will be $10 for admission and we will be taking Dickinson vans. If you have not signed your waiver and are interested in going on this trip, please fill it out and turn it in...you can not go without it! We will leave around 5 and hope to return by 10:30.

On family weekend the Outing Club will be having a family weekend hike. All members and their parents are invited to attend; sign-ups for this trip will be after fall pause.

If you are interested in going on the trip to Kentucky over fall pause please contact Kerry.