Command Line

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How to use the command line:

Here are some tips and tricks to using the windows and linux/mac command lines

the syntax of the command is included when neccessary


cd - change directory (cd DESTINATION)

dir - view contents of a directory

chkdsk - check disk

del - remove a file (del FILE)

copy - copy a file (copy FILE DESTINATION)

xcopy - another copy utility useful for copying multiple files (xcopy /s FOLDER DESTINATION)

for more information refer to this

If you take anything from that site please add it to the howto


cd - change directory (cd DESTINATION)

su - become root user (may require a password, if it does.... try sudo su)

cp - copy file (cp FILE DESTINATION)

cp -r copy folder and subfolders (cp -r FO

rm - remove file (rm FILE)

rm -rf remove an entire directory and all subdirectories within it CANNOT BE UNDONE (rm -rf FOLDER)

Trick: * - wildcard if used with rm for example it will remove all the files in the folder if you want to remove all files beginning with pass you would do something like rm pass*

For more information on linux commands

For more information on OSX commands (very similar) --Bachmann 14:17, 30 January 2007 (EST)