Joshua Foong

From Dickinson College Wiki
Revision as of 19:51, 8 September 2007 by Foongj (talk | contribs)
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Hey there fellow surfer of the Internet! Welcome to this humble corner of Dickinson College's Wikipedia. This page maybe rather narcisstic in purpose: It's about me. Don't worry, I value your time here and do have a good time here.

My Wiki page is primarily divided into 2 categories:

1. Personal: which is more about myself 2. Family and Friends: About the others in my life.


Family and Friends


The school system in Singapore is a little different from America. The educational ladder we go up on is like this:

Grades 1 - 6: Primary School Grades 7 - 10: Secondary School Grades 11 - 12: Junior College

And here is the list of schools I have attended, along with their URLs.

Calvary Pandan Kindergarten

Nanyang Primary School

Anglo-Chinese School (Barker Road)

Anglo-Chinese Junior College

Dickinson College

Every Singaporean Son...

As the title suggests, all Singaporean males have to serve the army for at most 2 years. Our army service doesn't stop from there. Every year, we are liable to be called back to serve in units given to us after we leave the army. Different activities include exercises, in-camp training or physical fitness tests.

I did my 'time' and left the army on April 23rd 2007. Fortunately enough, I do not have to return home to perform any duty since I am overseas. All of those who study overseas are exempt from NS for the duration of study overseas.

i live for the swarm...

    1. Meow
      • Woof
      • Cluck
    2. Ribbit
    3. Moo