Joshua Foong

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Revision as of 22:02, 11 September 2007 by Foongj (talk | contribs)
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Welcome to this humble corner of Dickinson College's Wikipedia. This page maybe rather narcisstic in purpose: It's about me. Don't worry, I value your time here and do have a good time here.


Here is a list of different topics about me. Each is represented by a link, and followed by a brief description of the webpage.

1. Bio-Data

An introduction to my background, and a couple of my profile pages available to be viewed by the public.

  1. Here and Now
  2. Work Experience
  3. My Army Career
  4. My Education
  5. Hobbies
  6. Family
  7. Newton Life Church
  8. 'Blooded Ones'
  9. Contact Me