Joshua Foong

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Revision as of 06:26, 12 September 2007 by Foongj (talk | contribs)
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Above: A photo of me in a Malaysian resort. Shot by my brother.


Welcome to this humble corner of Dickinson College's Wikipedia. This page maybe rather narcisstic in purpose: It's about me. Don't worry, I value your time here and do have a good time here.


Here is a list of different topics about me. Each is represented by a link, and followed by a brief description of the webpage.

A rough overview of my personal information some background knowlegge, and a couple of my profile pages available to be viewed by the public.

Dedicated to what I am doing presently. Includes courses and activities in college.

The Foongs. Details of my family.

Deals with what I have done that was job-related, be it a real job or courses that I took in my spare time.

All Singaporean Males have to serve as a conscript, and this page is about my army career.

Brief overview of the Singaporean education sytem and a list of schools I have attended.

I maybe a nerd/geek, but I do have life! Here's an insight to my life.

This is the church I have grown up in for the past 3 years. Includes my testimonial and details of the Youth Group I am in.

What can I do without friends? This page is for the close friends I still meet up after graduating from Secondary School. Incredible bunch.