'Blooded Ones'

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Close brothers at my farewell.
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The group of us at Adeline's 21st Birthday Party.

The title of this page borrows from Jiaqi's, a close friend of mine, MSN contact list. Under the 'select' group of friends, he listed us under this category. All of us come from the same school (except 1), and most (save 2) come from the same class. One can say that this is a standing testament of the strong bonds formed back in ACS(Barker) almost 5 years ago.

Are we a group of geeks? Yes, and proud of it.

We are a crazy bunch, and crazy people do crazy things. Perhaps they are the reason why I sleep at unworldly hours such as 3 - 4 am. Things we do can range from Warhammer gatherings, playing Battlefield 2 online, having late (very late) night suppers.

With a few of us overseas to study (including me), the group has physically split up, and that has made little difference. Much of our gratitude goes to technology, which has allowed us to stay in contact over the miles that seperate us. And this is not limited to just chatting online, as Battlefield 2 sessions still go on over the oceans (except I cannot play it with my Mac).

All in all, I do not think we will forget each other or gradually lose touch with one another. Never regretted being with them, and certainly looking forward to returning home and meeting together as one.

A cohort of world-class gentlemen.