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This paper and the work that it reports have benefited substantially 
from discussions with my collaborators Randy Trigg and Brigitte 
Jordan. For developing observations on the use of whiteboards I am 
indebted to Randy Trigg, John Tang and to members of the Interaction 
Analysis Group at Xerox PARC: CJiristina AUen, Stephanie Behrend, Sara 
Bly. Tom Finholt, Gsorge Goodman, Austin Henderson, Brigitte Jordan, 
Jane Laursen, Susan Newman, Janice Singer, and Debbie Tatar.


Representation and Practice (Work)

  • Representational Devices (compare Colby's (1975) use of "cultural models.")
  • RDs and practice
Recent social studies of science take as a central concern the 
relationship between various representational devices and scientific 
practice (see Tibbett, 1988, and Lynch and Woolgar, 1988, in this 
special issue,) Representational devices include models, diagrams, 
formulae, records, traces and a host of other artifacts taken to stand 
for the structure of an investigated phenomenon. Several premises 
underlie the study of the relation of such devices to scientific 
practice. First, that it is through these devices that the regularity, 
reproducibility and objectivity both of phenomena and of the methods 
by which they are found are established. Second, that representational 
devices have a systematic but necessarily contingent and ad hoc 
relation to scientific practices. And third, that representational 
technologies are central to how scientific work gets done. To date 
science studies have concentrated on the physical and biological 
sciences (see for example Collins, 1985; Latour and Woolgar, 1979; 
Garfinkel et al., 1981; Knorr-Cetina, 1981; Lynch, 1985; Lynch et al, 
1983). This paper joins with others (Woolgar, 1985; Collins, 1987) in 
directing attention to a new arena of scientific practice; namely, 
cognitive science.

The ethnomethodoligcal approach

  • Not concerned with truth
  • Instead concerned with method, behavior in "achieving" truth
In turning to cognitive science as a subject of sociological inquiry 
we are faced with an outstanding issue concerning the relation of 
representation to practice. The issue can be formulated, at least 
initially, as follows: Ethnomethodological studies of the physical and 
biological sciences eschew any interest in the adequacy of scientific 
representations as other than a members' concern. The point of such 
studies is specifically not to find ironies in the relation between 
analysts' constructions of the phenomenon and those of practitioners 
(Garfinkel, 1967:viii; Woolgar, 1983.) Rather, the analyst's task is 
to see how it is that practitioners come to whatever understanding of 
the phenomenon they come to as the identifying accomplishment of their 
scientific practice. In turning to cognitive science, however, one 
turns to a science whose phenomenon of interest itself is practice. 
For cognitive science theorizing, the object is mind and its 
manifestation in rational action. And in designing so-called 
intelligent computer systems, representations of practice -- 
expert/novice instruction, medical diagnosis, electronic 
troubleshooting and the like -- provide the grounds for achieving 
rationality in the behavior of the machine.

Representations of Work and the Work of Representation

  1. How social scientists represent work
  2. Reps used in the work of cognitive science
In this paper I consider two distinct but related conceptions of the 
notion of "representing practice" with respect to cognitive science, 
througli a discussion of two studies. The first study, recently 
completed, looks at the ways in which cognitive scientists depict the 
nature and operation of social practice, as part of their own agenda 
for the design of intelligent machines. These ways include the 
representation of practice as logical relations between conditions and 
actions, and the design of artifacts that embody such representations. 
The second study, just underway, looks at the representational 
practices of cognitive scientists, through a detailed analysis of 
researchers engaged in collaborative design work at a "whiteboard." 
Together these studies consider representing practice as both the 
object of cognitive scientists' work and as sociology's subject 

Artificial intelligence and interactional competence

Origins and makeup of Cognitive Science

  • Contrast with Behaviorism
The term "cognitive science" came into use in the 1970s to refer to a 
convergence of interest over the preceding 20 years among 
neurophysiologists, psychologists, iingmists, cognitive 
anthropologists, and later computer scientists, in the possibility of 
an integrated science of cognition (for an enthusiastic history see 
Gardner, 1985). The commitment both to cognition and to science was, 
at least initially, an important part of the story. At the turn of the 
century, the recognized method for studying human mental life was 
introspection and, insofar as introspection was not amenable to the 
emerging canons of scientific method, the study of cognition seemed 
doomed to be irremediably unscientific. In reaction to that prospect, 
the behavioiists posited that human action should be investigated in 
terms of publicly observable, mechanistically describable relations 
between the organism and its environment. In the name of turning 
coginitive studies into a science, the study of cognition as the study 
of something apart from conditioned behavior was effectively abandoned 
in mainstream psychology.

The computer allows cognitive science to reclaim mentalism

  • Provides an empirical object for mentalism, in contrast to introspection
Cognitive science, in this respect, was a project to bring thought, or 
meaning, back into the study of human action while preserving the 
commitment to scientism. Cognitive science reclaims mentalist 
constmcts like beliefs, desires, intentions, planning and 
problem-solving. Once again human purposes are the basis for 
cognitive psychology, but this time without the unconstrained 
speculation of the introspeciionists. The study of cognition is to be 
empiricized not by a strict adherence to behaviorism, but by the use 
of a new technology; namely, the computer.

AI as the branch most dedicated to the computer

The branch of cognitive science most dedicated to the computer is 
Artificial Intelligence. The subfield of AI arose as advances in 
computing rechiiology were tied to developments in neurophysiological 
and mathematical theories of information.  The requirements of 
computer modeling, of an "inforraation processing psychology," seem 
both to make theoretical sense and to provide the accountability that 
will make it possible to pursue a science of otherwise inaccessible 
mental phenomena.  If underlying mental processes can be modelled on 
the coinpiiter so as to produce the right outward behavior, the 
argument goes, the model can he viewed as having passed at least a 
sufficiency test of its psychological validity.

Mind as pattern independent of matter

  • "abstractable structure" = pattern
  • The organic is arbitrary
  • Allows for substitution of computer for brain (and mind)
  • Result: "mental operations" preceded "situated action" (i.e. same stance as structuralism)
A leading idea in cognitive science is that mind is best viewed as 
neither substance nor as insubstantial, but as an abstractable 
structure implementable in any number of possible physical substrates. 
Intelligence, on this view, is only incidentally embodied in the 
neurophysiology of the human brain. What is essential about 
intelligence can be abstracted from that particular, albeit highly 
successful substrate and embodied in an unknown range of alternative 
forms. The commitment to an abstract, disembodied account of 
cognition, on the one hand, and to an account of cognition that can be 
physically embodied in a computer, on the other, has led to a view of 
intelligence that takes it to be first and foremost mental operations 
and only secondarily, and as an epiphenomenon, the "execution" of 
situated actions.

Paradox: intelligence is individual, but the (Turing) test is social

  • The Turing Test
  • Black box premise: mind not just abstractable from material, but from process
    • Thought of as a black box between inputs and outputs
    • Allowed Turing to use a thought experiment to connect the two (the Turing Machine)
  • Mind as "information processor" (locate on Shannon's diagram).
While intelligence is taken by cognitive science, without much 
question, to be a faculty of individual minds, the measure of success 
for the AI project is and must be an essentially social one.  Evidence 
for intelligence, after all, is just the observable rationality of the 
machine's output relative to its input. This sociological basis for 
machine intelligence is implicit in the so-called Turing Test, by now 
more an object of cognitive science folklore than a part of working 
practice. Turing (1950) argued that if a machine could be made to 
respond to questions in such a way that a person asking the questions 
could not distinguish between the machine and another human being, the 
machine would have to be described as intelligent. Turing expressly 
dismissed as a possible objection to his proposed test that, although 
the machine might succeed in the game, it could succeed through means 
that bear no resemblance to human thought. Turing's contention was 
precisely that success at performing the game, regardless of 
mechanism, is sufficient evidence for intelligence (1950:435). The 
Turing test thereby became the canonical form of the argument that if 
two information-processors, subject to the same input stimuli, produce 
indistinguishable output behavior, then regardless of the identity of 
their internal operations one processor is essentially equivalent to 
the other.

Implications of ELIZA (Confusing)

  • Designed by Joseph Weizenbaum
  • Thought by some to pass the Turing Test
  • However, Weizenbaum denied this; ELIZA "a mere collection of procedures"
The lines of controversy raised by the Turing test were drawn over a 
family of programs developed by Joseph Weizenbaum in the 1960s under 
the name ELIZA, designed to support "natural language conversation" 
with a computer (Weizenbaum, 1983). Of the name ELIZA, Weizenbaum writes:
 Its name was chosen to emphasize that it may be incrementally improved 
 by its users, since its language abilities may be continually improved 
 by a "teacher." Like the Eliza of Pygmalion fame, it can be triade to 
 appear even more civilized, the relation of appearance to reality, 
 however, remaining in the domain of the playwright. (p. 23)
Anecdotal reports of occasions on which people, approaching the 
teletype to one of the ELIZA programs and believing it to be connected 
to a colleague, engaged in some amount of "interaction" without 
detecting the true nature of their respondent led many to assert that 
Weizenbaum's program had passed a simple form of the Turing test, 
Weizenbaum himself, however, denied the intelligence of the program on 
the basis of the underlying mechanism, which he described as "a mere 
collection of procedures." (p. 23)
 The gross procedure of the program is quite simple; the text [written 
 by the human participant] is read and inspected for the presence of a 
 keyword. If such a word is found, the sentence is transformed 
 according to a rule associated with the keyword, if not a content-free 
 remark or, under certain conditions, an earlier transformation is 
 retrieved. The text so computed or retrieved is then printed out. (p. 
 24, original erpphasis)

Demonstrates the Documentary Method of Interpretation; Garfinkel's Counsellor

  • ELIZA actually reveals an important flaw in the AI model of intelligence
  • People ascribe intelligence to ELIZA by means of the "documentary method of interpretation"
    1. External Behavior → Internal States
    2. Ascribed reality becomes resource for interpreting the instance
  • Note circularity--is it cybernetic?
  • We assume we are speaking to an intelligent agent, and so infer a code from the pattern, even if there is no code
    • However, there are limits to such tests ...
The design of the ELIZA programs exploits the natural inclination of 
people to make use of the "documentary method of interpretation" (see 
Garfliikel, 1967:Ch. 3). to take appearances as evidence for, or the 
document of an ascribed underlying reality while taking the reality so 
ascribed as a resource for the interpretation of the appearance. In 
a contrived situation that, though designed independently and not 
with them in mind, closely parallels both the "Turing test" and 
encounters with Weizenbaum's ELIZA programs, Garfinkel set out to test 
the documentatry method in the context of counseling. Students were 
asked to direct questions concerning their personal problems to 
someone they knew to be a student counselor, seated in another room. 
They were restricted to questions that could take yes/no answers, and 
those answers were given by the counselor on a random basis. For the 
students, the counselor's answers were motivated by the questions. 
That is to say, by taking each answer as evidence for what the 
counselor "had in mind," the students were able to find a deliberate 
pattern in the exchange that explicated the significance and relevance 
of each new response as an answer to their question:
 The underlying pattern was elaborated and compounded over the series 
 of exchanges and was accommodated to each present "answer" so as to 
 maintain the "course of advice," to elaborate what had "really been 
 advised" previously, and to motivate the new possibilities as emerging 
 features of the problem.  (1967:90)

A problem for the Turing Test: meaning due to interpretation, not intention

  • (But who is doing the interpretation?)
  • (Intentionality and interpretation are two sides of the same cybernetic coin)
  • In these experiments, there is no room for failure, since there is no check on one's interpretation of the other's intentions
  • In real interaction, however, there is: each checks the other
The ELIZA programs and Garfinkel's counselor experiment demonstrate 
the generality of the documentary method and the extent to which the 
meaning of actions is constituted not by actors' intentions but 
through the interpretive activity of recipients.  Users of ELIZA and 
Garfinkel's students are able to construct out of the mechanical 
"responses" of the former and the random "responses" of the latter a 
response to their questions. This clearly poses a problem for Turing 
test criteria of intelligence and for the test of intentionality 
proposed by Dennett (1978:Ch. 1), who argues that intentional systems 
are just those whose behavior is conveniently made sense of in 
intentional terms. ELIZA and the counselor clearly meet that 
criterion, yet they show at the same time the inadequacy of that 
measure for intentional interaction.  The injunction for the counselor 
is precisely that he or she not interact. The counselor's "responses" 
are not responses to the student's questions, nor are the 
interpretations that the student offers subject to any remediation of 
misunderstanding by the counselor. Or rather, there is no notion of 
misunderstanding, insofar as in the absence of the counselor's point 
of view any understanding on the part of the student that "works" will 
do.  In human communication in contrast there are two "students," both 
engaged in making sense out of the actions of the other, in making 
their own actions sensible, in assessing the senses made, and in 
looking for evidence of misunderstanding. It is just this highly 
contingent and reciprocal process that we call "interaction."


  • We see our work not a one-side act, but a mutual construction
  • Cognitive Scientists adopt this view and ascribe PLANS as the source of meaning
For behavior to be not only intelligible but intentional, it seems, 
there must be something about the actor that gives her action its 
senses. As participants in interaction we see our work not as the 
single-handed construction of meaning but as a kind of reading off from 
the action of the actor's underlying intent. This common sense view is 
adopted by cognitive scientists, who take actions to reflect the 
underlying cognitive mechanism or plans that generate them. The 
representation of those mechanisms or plans, on this view, is 
effectively the representation of practice.

Plans as determinants of action

Rational action and cultural dope

The identification of intent with a plan-for-action is explicit in 
the writing of philosophers of action supportive of artificial 
intelligence research like Margaret Boden (1973) who writes:
 unless an intention is thought of as an action-plan that can draw upon 
 background knowledge and utilize it in the guidance of behavior one 
 cannot understand how intentions function in real life. (pp. 27-28)
A logical extension of Boden's view, particularly given an interest in 
rendering it more computable, is the view that plans actually are 
prescriptions or instructions for action. Traditional sociology 
similarly posits an instrumentally rational actor whose choice among 
alternative means to a given end is mediated by norms of behavior that 
the culture provides -- an actor Garfinkel dubbs the "cultural dope":
 By "cultural dope" I refer to the man-in-the-sociologist's-society who 
 produces the stable features of the society by acting in compliance 
 with pre-established and legitimate alternatives of action that the 
 common culture provides (196:68)

The Planning Model

  • purposeful action = execution of plans
Cognitive science embraces this normative view of action in the form 
of the planning model. The model assumes that in acting purposefully 
actors are constructing and executing plans, condition/ action rules, 
or some other form of representation that controls, and therefore must 
be prerequisite to, actions-in-the-world.  An early and seminal 
articulation of this view came from Miller, Galanter and Pribram, in 
Plans and the Structure of Behavior (1960):
 Any complete description of behavior should be adequate to serve as a 
 set of instructions, that is, it should have the characteristics of a 
 plan that could guide the action described. When we speak of a plan 
 ... the term will refer to a hierarchy of instructions ...A plan is 
 any hierarchical process in the organism that can control the order in 
 which a sequence of operations is to be performed.
A plan is, for an organism, essentially the same as a program for a 
computer ... we regard a computer program that simulates certain 
features of an organism's behavior as a theory about the organismic 
Plan that generated the behavior.


Moreover, we shall also use the term "Plan" to designate a rough 
sketch of some course of action ... as well as the completely detailed 
specification of every detailed operation ...  We shall say that a 
creature is executing a particular Plan when in fact that Plan is 
controlling the sequence of operations he is carrying out. (p. 17, 
original emphasis)
With Miller et al., the view that purposeful action is planned assumes 
the status of a psychological theory compatible with the interest in a 
mechanistic, computationally tractable account of intelligent action. 
The identification of intentions with plans, and plans with programs, 
leads to an identification of representation and action that supports 
the notion of "designing" intelligent actors. Once representations are 
taken to control human actions, the possibility of devising formalisms 
that could specify the actions of "artificial agents" becomes 
plausible. Actions are described by preconditions, that is, what must 
be true to enable the action, and postconditions, what must be true 
after the action has occurred. By improving upon or completing our 
commonsense notions of the structure of action, the structure is now 
represented not only as an empirically ascertained set of behavioral 
patterns or a plausible sequence of actions but as an hierarchical 
plan. The plan reduces, moreover, to a detailed set of instructioBS 
that actually ser\'es as the program that controls the action. At this 
point, the plan as stipulated becomes substitutable for the action, 
insofar as the action is viewed as derived from the plan. And once 
this substitution is done, the the-or>' is self-sustaining: the 
problem of action is assumed to be solved by the planning model, and 
the task that remains is to refine the model.

Plans as resources for action

Taken as the determinants of what people do, plans provide both a 
device by which practice can be represented in cognitive science and a 
sototion to the problem of purposeful action. If we apply an 
ethnomethodological inversion^ to the cognitive science view, 
however., plans take on a different status. Rather than describing the 
mechanism by which action is generated and a solution to the analysts' 
probiem, plans are common sense constructs produced and used by actoTS 
en,gaged in everj'day practice. As such, they are not the solution to 
the problem of practice but part of the subject matter. While plans 
provide useful ways of talking and reasoning about action, their 
relation to the action's production is an open qitestion.
One can see clearly the descriptive or mterpretive function of talk 
about intentio.ns, and its problematic relation to production, in the 
case of our talk about babies," Nursing babies are very good .at 
finding milk. If you touch a baby on the cheek, it will move its head 
in the direction of the toucli. Similarly, if you put your finger on 
the baby's lips, it will suck. In some sense wt would say, in 
describing the baby's behavior, that the baby "knows how to get 
food.." Yet to suggest that the baby "has a goal" of finding food in 
the form of a lepresentatioti of the actions involved, or performs 
computatioris on data structures that incitide the stmg "milk" to 
reach that goal, seems somehow implausible.  It is not that all 
behavior can be reduced to the kind of reflex action of a nursing 
baby, or that some behavior is not importantly symbolic. The point is 
that the intentional description, however useful, doesn't distinguish 
those things.
At the same time, such description is clearly a resource. Our imagined 
projections and retrospective reconstructions are the principal means 
by which we catch hold of situated action and reason about it, while 
situated action itself is essentially transparent to us as actors. In 
contemplating the descent of a problematic series of rapids in a 
canoe, for example, one is very likely to sit for a while above the 
falls and plan one's descent.* So one might think something like "I'll 
get as far over to the left as possible, try to make it between those 
two large rocks, then back- ferry hard to the right to make it around 
that next bunch." A great deal of deliberation, discussion, 
simulation, and reconstruction may go into such a plan and to the 
construction of alternate plans as well. But in no case -- and this is 
the crucial point -- do such plans control action in any strict sense 
of the word "control."  Whatever their number or the range of their 
contingency, plans stop short of the actual business of getting you 
through the falls. When it really comes down to the details of getting 
the actions done, in situ, you rely not on the plan but on whatever 
embodied skills of handling a canoe, responding to currents and the 
like are available to you. The purpose of the plan, in other words, is 
not literally to get you through the rapids, but rather to position 
you in such a way that you have the best possible conditions under 
which to use those embodied skills on which, in the final analysis, 
your success depends.
The planning model takes off from our common sense preoccupation with 
the anticipation of action and the review of its outcomes and attempts 
to systematize that reasoning as a model for situated practice itself. 
These examples, however, suggest an alternative view of the 
relationship between plans, as representations of conditions and 
actions, and situated practice. Situated practice comprises 
moment-by-moment interactions with our environment more and less 
informed by reference to representations of conditions and of actions, 
and more and less available to representation themselves. The function 
of planning is not to provide a specification or control structure for 
such local interactions, but rather to orient us in a way that will 
allow us, through the local interactions, to respond to some 
contingencies of our environment and to avoid others. As Agre and 
Chapman put it "[mjost of the work of using a plan is in determining 
its relevance to the successive concrete situations that occur during 
the activity it helps to organize" (i987a).® Plans specify actions 
just Io the level chat specification is useful; they are vague with 
respect to the details of action precisely at the level at which it 
makes sense to Ibrego specification aitd rely on the availability of a 
contingent and necessarily ad hoc response. Plans are not the 
determinants of action, in sum, but rather are resources to be 
constructed and consulted by actors before and after the fact. 

Engineering interaction

Adherents of the planning model in AI view interaction just as an 
extension of the planning problem from a single individual to two or 
more individuals acting in concert. In a 1983 paper on recognizing 
intentions, James Allen puts it this way: 
Let us start with an intuitive descriptio'ti of what we think occurs 
when one agent A asks a question of another agent B which B then 
answers. A has some goal; s/he creates a plan (plan construction) that 
involves asking B a question whose answer will provide some 
infoimatlon needed in order to achieve the goal. A then executes this 
plan, asking B the question. B interprets the question, and attempts 
to infer A's plan (plan inference), (p. 110) 
The problem for interaction, on this view, is to recognize the actions 
of others as the expression of their underlying plans. The 
appropriateness of a response turns on that analysis, from which, in 
turn the hearer then adopts new goals and plsns her own utterances to 
achieve them. On this mode], Searle's speech act theory seems to offer 
some initial guidelines for computational modeb of communication. 
Searle's conditions of satisfaction for the successful performance of 
speech acts are read as the speech act's "preconditions," wMe its 
iUocutionary force is the desired "effect:" 
�Utterances are produced by actions (speech acts) that are executed in 
order to have some effect on the hearer. This effect typically 
involves modifying the hearer's beliefs or goals. A speech act, like 
any other action, may be observed by the hearer and may allow the 
hearer to infer what the speaker's plan is. (Allen, 1983:108) 
Given this view, the design of interactive computer systems affords a 
kind of natural laboratory in which to see what happens when artifacts 
embodying the planning model of action encounter people engaged in 
situated activity. The practical problem with which the designer of an 
interactive machine must contend is how to ensure that the machine 
responds appropriately to the user's actions. The design strategy for 
plan-based systems is essentially to specify an appropriate linkage 
between user actions and machine states. This strategy assumes that 
the behavior of both user and machine can be represented in advance as 
a plan that not only projects but determines their local interaction. 
A conversation analysis of such encounters, however, reveals that 
while interaction between people and machines requires essentially the 
same interpretive work that characterizes interaction between people, 
fundamentally different resources are available to the "participants" 
(for a full account see Suchman, 1987). In particular, people make use 
of a rich array of experience, embodied skill, material exddence, 
communicative competence and members' knowledge in finding the 
intelligibility of actions and events, in making their own actions 
sensible, and in managing the troubles in understanding that 
inevitably arise. Due to constraints on the machine's access to the 
situation of the user's inquiry, however, breaches in understanding 
that for face-to-face interaction would be trivial in terms of 
detection and repair become "fatal" for human-machine communication 
(see Jordan and Fuller, 1974). The result is an asymmetry that 
severely limits the scope of interaction between people and machines. 
Because of this asymmetry, engineering human-machine interaction 
becomes less a matter of simulating human communication than of 
finding alternatives to interaction's situated properties. Those 
properties and the subtlety of their operation are nicely illustrated 
in the following fragment of naturally occurring conversation: 
A: Are you going to be here for ten minutes? 
B: Go ahead and take your break,. Take longer if you want. 
A: I'll just be outside on the porch. Call me if you need me. 
B: OK. Don't worry. 
(Gumperz. 1982:326) 
In his analysis of this fragment Gumperz points out that B's response 
to A's question de.ariy indicates that B interprets the question as an 
indirect request that B stay in the office while A takes a break, and 
by her reply A confirms that interpretation. B's interpretation 
accords with a categorization of A's question as an indirect speech 
act (Searle, 1979), and with Grice's discussion of implicature (1975); 
that is, B assumes that A is cooperating, and that her question must 
be rele%'ant, therefore B searches her mind for some possible context 
or interpretive frame that would make sense of the question, and comes 
up with the break. But, Gumperz points out, this analysis begs the 
question of how B arrives at the right inference: 
What is it about the situation that leads her to think A is talkipg 
about taking a break? A common sociolinguistic procedure in such cases 
is Io attempt to formulate discourse rules such as the following: "If 
a secretary in an office around break time asks a co-worker a question 
seekitig information about the coworker's plans for the period usually 
allotted for breaks, interpret it as a request to take her break." 
Such rules are difficult to formulate and in any case are neither 
sufficiently general to cover a wide enough range of situations nor 
specific enough to predict responses. An altemative approach is to 
consider the pragmatics of questiorting and to argue that questioning 
is semantically related to requesting., and that there are a number of 
contexts in which questions can be interpreted as requests. While such 
semantic processes clesily channel con^^ersational inference, there is 
nothing in this type of explanation that refers to taking a break. 
The problem that Gumperz identifies here applies equally to attempts 
to account for inferences such as B's by arguing that she "recognizes" 
A's plan to take a break. Clearly she does: the  outstanding question 
is how. While we can always construct a post hoc account that explains 
interpretation in terms of knowledge of typical situations and 
motives, it remains the case that neither typifications of intent nor 
general rules for its expression are sufficient to account for the 
mutual intelligibility of our situated action. In the final analysis, 
attempts to represent intentions and rules for their recognition seem 
to beg the question of situated interpretation, rather than answering 

Cognitive science's situated practice

The decontextualized models of action embraced by the majority of 
cognitive science researchers stand in contrast to the situated 
structuring of their own scientific practice.'^ Our current research 
examines how various "inscription devices" (Latour and Woolgar, 1979) 
or technologies for representation are used by cognitive scientists 
and systems designers engaged in the collaborative invention of new 
computational artifacts. A common technology for representation in our 
laboratory is the "whiteboard." We begin with the observation, due to 
Livingston (1978), that the inscriptions on a whiteboard - lists, 
sketches, lines of code, lines of text and the like - are produced 
through activities that are not themselves reconstmctable from these 
"docile records" (Garfinkel and Bums, 1979). Methodologically, this 
means that the core of our data must be audiovisual recordings of the 
moment- by-moment interactions through which the inscriptions are 
produced. Made observable, the organization of activities that produce 
marks on the whiteboard and give them their significance, and the 
function of marks in the structure of the activity, become our 
research problem. 
Our starting assumption is that the use of the whiteboard both 
supports and is organized by the structure of face-to-face 
interaction. On that assumption, our analysis is aimed at uncovering 
the relationship between (i) the organization of face-to-face 
interaction, (ii) the collaborative production of the work at hand and 
(iii) the use of the whiteboard as an interactional and 
representational resource. From the video corpus we aim to identify 
systematic practices of whiteboard use, with a focus on just how those 
practices and the inscriptions they produce constitute resources for 
particular occasions of technical work. Some initial conjectures are 
the following:* 

The whiteboard is a medium for the construction of concrete conceptual objects

Inscriptions on the whiteboard are conceptual in that they stand for 
phenomena that are figurative, hypothetical, imagined, proposed or 
otherTOse r«ot immediately present, but they are also concrete -- 
visible, tangible marks that car be pointed to, modified, erased and 
reproduced. Over the work's course topics of talk are visibly 
constituted on the board, becoming items to be considered, remedy 
adopted and reconsidered. Technical objects once represented can be 
"run," subject to various scenarios, examined for their structure and 
so on. Conceptual objects rendered concrete, in sum, become available 
for development and change.

The whiteboard structures mutual orientation to a shared interactional space

Through their orientation in seating arrangements, body positions, 
gesture and talk, collaborators turti the whiteboard and its marks 
into objects in a shared space. We see designers, on first sitting 
down to woiic, "referring" in their talk and gestures to a whiteboard 
on -which nothing has yet been written. Mutual engagement is 
demonstrated (or not) by attention either to the other(s) or to the 
shared space of the board. Bodily movements of, for example, standing 
at the board with marker raised or stepping back with folded arms 
display the status of objects as incomplete, problematical, 
satisfactory and the like. 

Talk and writing are systematically organized

Skilled work at the whiteboard effectively exploits the "simplest 
systematics for the organization of turn-taking for conversation" (see 
Sacks et al., 1974) in the sequential organization of turns at talk 
and writing. The board provides a second interactional fioor, 
coextensive and sequentially interleaved with that of talk. So, for 
example, the board may be used in taking and holding the fioor, or in 
maintaining some writing activity while passing up a turn at talk. 
Writing done during another's talk (may (a) document the talk and 
thereby display the writer's understanding, (b) continue the writer's 
previous tum or (c) project the writer's next turn, providing an 
object to be introduced in subsequent talk. 

The spatial arrangement of marks on the whiteboard reflects both a conceptual ordering between items and the sequential order of their production

The use of the whiteboard to represent logical relations is a 
practical, embodied accomplishment. Each next entry onto the board 
must be organized with reference to the opportunities and limitations 
provided by previous entries given the physical confines of the 
available space. At the same time, the necessary juxtaposition of 
items is a resource for representing meaningful relations among them. 
The significance of spatial organization among items is to some extent 
conventionally established (e.g., the list), in other ways dependent 
on the contingencies of the particular items' production. 

Whiteboards may be delineated into owned territories, or inhabited jointly: Similarly with particular items

Use of the whiteboard varies between more and less exclusive activity 
by a "scribe" to joint use, and the use of space varies from 
territoriality (often just on the basis of proximity) to shared 
access. Territory or items entered by one participant may become joint 
as others add to or modify them. 

Items entered on the whiteboard wjiy or may not become records of the event

Writing done on the whiteboard may be communicative without being 
documentary. An extreme case is the "ghost" entry -- a gesture at the 
board that never actually becomes a mark but can nonetheless be 
referred back to in subsequent talk (Gartlnkel and Burns, 1979), Less 
extreme forms are various cryptic lines, circles and the like that 
direct attention and accoffipany talk but are not themselves 
decipherable. Items can be and often are erased, indicating their 
status specifically as not part of the record, and the status of the 
talk that produced the item as an aside or digression. 
Alternatively, an item constructed as illustration may effectively 
become a document of the talk. 

The whiteboard is a setting for the production and resolution of design dilemmas

Like any practical activity, research and design work encounters both 
routine and remarkable troubles, the latter becoming objects for 
refiection and resolution. But in design the dilemmas are not only 
expected but actively looked for. As a way of proceeding, the 
designer's task is to make trouble for herself in the form of imsolved 
problems and unanswered questions. Represented on the board, those 
problems and questions provide the setting for subsequent actions. 
Work at the whiteboard thus involves the resolutiors a series of 
dilemmas of its own making. 

The Whiteboard is embedded in a network of activities

While the whiteboard comprises an unfolding setting for the work at 
hand, the items on the board also index an horizon of past and future 
activities. The outcomes of previous actions are reproduced as the 
basis foi what to do now, while what gets done now makes reference to 
work to be done later. Nonetheless within this network of their own 
and others' ongoing activities, scientists manage somehow to bound 
their activities in ways that bring closure each time for this time 
and place.


The situated practice of work at the whiteboard underscores a 
phenomenon observed elsewhere in social studies of science (Collins, 
1985; Knorr-Cetina, 1981, Garfinkel, et al., 1981; Lynch et al., 
1983). While scientific reasoning consists in negotiating practical 
contingencies of shop talk and its technologies, those practices are 
notably absent from the scientific outcomes and artifacts produced. 
This absence is not offered by sociologists of science as an irony, 
but rather as an observation with profound implications for how we 
understand the status of representations in science and elsewhere: 
viz. we must understand them in relation to, as the product of and 
resource for, situated practice. Just as instructions presuppose the 
work of "carrying them out," so representational devices assume the 
local practice of their production and use. Such situated practice is 
the taken-forgranted foundation of scientific reasoning. 
While the rational artifacts of cognitive scientists' work are 
programs that run, cognitive scientists' own rationality is an 
achievement of practices that are only post hoc reducible to either 
general or specific representation. Canonical descriptions do not and 
cannot capture "the innumerable and singular situations of day to day 
inquiry" (Lynch et al., 1983:209). The consequence is a disparity 
between the embodied, contingent rationality of scientists' situated 
inquiries and the abstract, parameterized constructs of rational 
behavior represented in computer programs understood to be 
intelligent. To the extent that cognitive science defines the terms of 
rational action the disparity is not only theoretically interesting, 
but has political implications as well. In particular, science studies 
recommend indifference toward the relation of representation to 
phenomenon, in favor of a focus on the practices by which 
representations of phenomena are produced and reproduced. In the case 
of cognitive science, however, the phenomena are just those things on 
which our studies take a stand; namely, the organization of practice. 
In turning to the work of cognitive scientists, therefore, we have a 
vested interest -- not only in the products of cognitive scientists' 
theorizing but in the adequate rendering of their and others' situated 


1. The study of whiteboard practices is part of a larger project with 
Randy Trigg to investigate how computer-based technologies might 
support scientific research practices. "Whiteboards" are just like 
blackboards but are white, and are written on with colored markers. 
2. As Michael Lynch puts it: "Given how easy it is to constitute a 
docile subject as intentional, it raises tlxe question of how machine 
inteUigence can possibly be extracted from such interactional work" 
(personal communication). 
3. GarfinkeFs (1967) original immersion, on wliich ethnomethodology is 
founded, has to do with Durkheiniian proposals regarding the nature of 
social facts: 
 Thereby, in contrast to certain versions of Duikheim that teach that 
 the objective reality of social facts is sociology's fundamental 
 principle, the lesson is taken instead, and used as a study policy, 
 that the objective reality of social facts as an ongoing 
 accomplishment of the concerted activities of daily life, with the 
 ordinary,, artful ways of that accomplishment being by members kBown. 
 used and taken for granted. Is, for members doing sociology, a 
 fundamental phenomenon. Because, and in the ways it is practicai 
 sociology's fundamental phenomeaon, it is the prevailing topic for 
 etfanomethodological study. (p. vii) 
4. I owe this exiunple to a talk by Terr/ Wijiograd. For a 
wide-ranging critique of the "rationalistic tradition" of cognitivs 
science and alternate proposals for computer design, see Winograd and 
Flores (1986).
5. I am indebted for this example, and many clarifying discussions of 
planuing, to Randy Trigg. 
6. For a recent attempt to develop a computational account of 
"abstract reasoning as emergent from concrete activity," see Chapman 
and Agre (19S6}: and Agre and Chapman (19S7b). 
7. For an eloquent treatise on the situated structuring of activity, 
see Lavs (in press"!. 
8. For a detailed treatment and the evidence for these conjectures, 
see Suchmaa and Trigg (forthcoming).


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