The Return of Eugenics
The Return of Eugenics
The first period of Eugenics involved state-enforced reproductive laws by which those considered to be genetically “less fit” had certain reproductive restrictions imposed on them. These laws were also based on somewhat flawed methods and studies and largely inaccurate assumptions. The subsequent inability of this eugenics to achieve its desired ends coupled with the events of Nazi Germany caused eugenics of this form to become largely unpopular, especially in Western culture.
However, the biotechnological advancements now and on the horizon may lead to a return of eugenics, although this time in a different and more dangerous form. It will be different because it will likely not come about through state-enforced reproductive laws and, also, with the increasing understanding of the human brain and behavior and more accurate scientific bases, techniques and information technology, the achievement of certain desired outcomes will be more within the realm of possibility. However, it will be more dangerous because it will begin – in fact, it has already begun – in a much more subtle manner, in which we do not even think of it as eugenics but simply as breeding well. There will be three stages: the first will involve a focus on strictly medicine and cures for clear-cut diseases. The second will involve the broadening of focus to encompass the treatment of ‘conditions’ for which there is no clear demarcation for if and when the condition becomes pathogenic. Here is where the line between ‘fixing’ and ‘improving’ is blurred and the slippery slope towards eugenics begins. If genetic engineering becomes a reality, the extent of the effects of eugenics will be most clearly seen in the creation of a non-human race.
We have already moved into the second stage: We have covered significant ground with Tay Sachs disease, etc. and are still working to find cures for clearly defined diseases and viruses. However, we are also dealing with certain conditions that lend themselves to improper use of the drugs that are meant to treat them.