Outside Review Recommendations
From Dickinson College Wiki
Recommendations for Academic Technolology at Dickinson
LIS 3.0
- Define expectations and mechanisms for communications within LIS.
- Set expectations and find projects for increased collaboration between LIS departments.
- Perform a “functional review” of LIS activities.
- Create the Academic Commons.
- Define ways to achieve greater involvement of ATS within LIS.
- Consider reviving the LIS liaison programs.
- Determine appropriate levels of project management methodology across the division.
- Engage organization-wide approaches and greater staff participation in LIS strategic planning efforts.
- Have an LIS cross-functional team design the LIS web site to convey a unified organization.
- Determine where functions are best be positioned and move appropriate responsibilities within LIS.
The Academic Commons
- Develop both a program plan and a space plan for the Academic Commons.
- Co-locate most ATS staff within the Academic Commons.
- Plan for a phased implementation.
- Plan for longer hours of operation.
- Understand the noise levels appropriate for an Academic Commons.
- Move some elements of the current Information Commons to another floor of the Library.
Program Plan for ATS
- Develop a community-based process to develop a cohesive vision for the ATS program plan.
- Define core technology services first.
- Define special projects and initiatives second.
- Integrate the emerging ATS program plan into overall LIS planning.
ATS Core Services
- Determine which current drop-off, media production services should be maintained, outsourced, or discontinued.
- Define ATS core services around the following set of common categories:
- Web-based technologies and applications.
- Classroom technologies.
- Computing lab hardware, software and peripherals.
- Instructional technology consultation.
- Application development services.
- Training, user support and outreach.
- Align core services with strategic values (e.g. efficiency, pedagogy) in order to justify allocation of scare resources.
- Develop on- and off-line processes to more efficiently provide a variety of regular services with as few staff resources as possible.
- Leverage the Course Management System.
- Plan for the new GIS initiative to become a core service.
- Integrate ATS core services with LIS core services.
- Better understand service drivers at Dickinson.
- [Minimize activities which do not align with core services.]
ATS Special Projects and Initiatives
- Understand the resource implications of special projects and initiatives.
- Use appropriate project management methodology.
- Define a formal Project Manager for significant projects.
- Coordinate digital initiatives.
ATS Staff Development
- Develop new job descriptions for ATS staff.
- Hire a GIS technician.
- Pursue professional development for instructional technologists (e.g. http://www.educause.edu/LTL08).
Distributed vs. Centralized Support
- Work with ITSC to understand the issues surrounding centralization vs. distributed services at Dickinson.
- Decide where distributed LIS staff could be best utilized.
- Centralize the proposed GIS lab and its support.
Outreach and Communication
- Find more reasons to bring people together in conversation.
- Build tools and persistent resources that help people find answers.
- Create new methods of communicating with the community.
- Provide regular project updates and program plans.
- Reconsider the liaison model for technology support.