Mike Landis
Focus: I plan to focus my research on the various uses of technology that came into existence in 1876 as well as the various inventions that were created in 1876 as a result of previous technological advancements. Quite a few scientific discoveries occurred during this era of American History. Philadelphia and Pittsburgh, among other cities, highlighted science during their centennial celebrations, however, Cumberland County had its own share of science coverage to discuss.
Methodology: The Dickinson College and Cumberland County archives will serve as worthy references in finding data on my proposed topic. Additionally, the Dickinson and Cumberland County libraries have a wealth of literature (in various forms) discussing 1876 centennial celebrations including discussion of the scientific and technological facets that were noteworthy of the time. Philadelphia and Pittsburgh archives/libraries will also be helpful in creating context for the topic of science in 1876. Significance: My research will be significant in that it will further explore the advantages that technology gave to Americans at the 100 year mark. I will use the available data regarding technology and science in Pennsylvania to gain a better understanding of what was going on specifically in Cumberland County, and more specifically, in Carlisle.