Dickinson College hist204 sp08

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History 204 Sp 08 | Political Life | Cultural Life | Economic Life

Political Life in Cumberland County 1876

East College 1860-1880

Faculty Changes

Under President McCauley, Dickinson College is in the middle of an enrollment slump. In 1874 after a controversial faculty “reconstruction,” as Sellers calls it, students seem to be repelled from the college. The Board of Trustees even considers waiving entrance exams for the freshman and sophomore classes.


It cost $15 to attend the fall term at Dickinson College in 1876 and $25 to attend the spring and winter terms.

Kevin Johnston

Political and Social Attitudes Towards Native Americans In Carlisle

Mike Procelli

The Political Movement of Temperance

Views on distilled spirits in Cumberland County, Pennsylvania fluctuated greatly during the nineteenth century. At one point in the Upper Allen Township it was difficult to find a farm on which its owner was not running a still, converting grain into whiskey. In 1835 Cumberland County housed over eighty distilleries and pumped out more than a million gallons of whiskey every year. Yet, by 1876, the year in which America was celebrating its Centennial, views had very much changed. Temperance movements, which were originally seen as nuisances to legitimate business men and often written off as groups who ignored social norms, had gained great prominence. Click this link to view the main page on Temperance in Cumberland County.