WFP 2008 Wednesday 8/13
From Dickinson College Wiki
Wednesday, 8/13: Working with Images
Welcome and Overview of the Day (9:00 AM – 9:15 AM)
A time for questions and answers about the preceding day and the contents of the current day.
Basic Image Editing (9:15 AM – 10:30 AM)
Presenter: Burke
Location: Information Commons Classroom
- Microsoft Picture Manager
- Picasa: Desktop Client
We will introduce Microsoft Picture Manager. Focus will be on opening, editing and saving images for presentations and the web.
- Add images
- Edit images
- Save/export images
- Add images
- Edit images
- Save images
Break (10:30 AM – 10:45 AM)
Coffee and pastries will be available outside of the Microroom.
Scanning (10:45 AM – 12:00 PM)
Presenter: Weaver
Location: Information Commons
Lunch (12:00PM – 1:30 PM)
Tools for Organizing and Presenting Images (1:30 PM – 2:45 PM)
Presenter: Landis
We will introduce programs, both open and Dickinson created, that help with presenting and organizing image collections. Focus will be on understanding image quality and organizing using metadata standards or user created tags.
- Understanding online options for image organization and presentation
- Understanding metadata standards
- Understanding good tagging guidelines
- Understanding the social options for some programs
- Understanding how to use Flickr Creative Commons Search
- History of how it was built, initial need on campus
- List it's capabilities
- Discuss Metadata and good practices in categorizing collections
- List key faculty collections incorporated in it
- Walk through basics of searching, viewing and downloading
- Walk through slideshow search and creation
- Overview of Admin panel
- Discuss open and campus only collections
- Quick overview of copyright
- Flickr
- Overview of searching
- Overview of uploading
- Discuss tagging
- Flickr Mashups
- Creative Commons Searching
- Mapping projects/geotagging
- Overview of Flickr Groups
- Tell a story in 5 frames
- Marine Biology
- Manuscripta mediaevalia
- Economic and Social History Group - People and their Industry
- Quantum Physics
- Fascism Looks Like this
- Napoléon Ier/ Louis - Philippe / Charles X/ Biedermeier style
- World War II Vintage Photos
- WWII Posters
- Across the African Diaspora
- The Rich Culture of South East Asia
- Picasa
- Show basics of uploading images to picasaweb
- Dicuss Tagging
- Overview of searching
- Overview of creating web slideshow
- Discuss Picasa image editor for PCs
Break (2:45 PM – 3:00 PM)
Image Resources (3:00 PM – 4:15PM)
Presenter: Wardecker
- ARTstor
- Introduction and administration
- ARTstor's collections
- Creating an account
- Obtaining instructor privileges
- Using ARTstor
- Searching and features
- Saving image groups
- Downloading images and creating slideshows
- Creating shared folders
- Creating personal collections
- Introduction and administration
- Google Images
- The results
- Displaying only the image
- Removing the frame
- Image properties
- PicLens
- Advanced search features
- The results