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Revision as of 18:57, 29 August 2008 by Mcgaughs (talk | contribs)
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PDF of Wiki Tips

Miscellaneous rules:

  • To quote text without applying the wiki formatting rules, enclose it within a <nowiki> ... </nowiki> section. Within a nowiki section, only HTML-quoting of special characters (<>&) will occur - no other formatting rules will be applied.
  • A line which ends in a backslash character (\) will be joined with the next line before most formatting rules are applied. This can be useful for breaking up long sections of text in line-sensitive sections (like lists or indented text).
  • If raw-HTML sections are enabled (they are disabled by default), you can enter raw HTML code within an <html> ... </html> section. Note that no quoting is done, so you will need to use sequences like &lt; if you want to display a < character.
  • Most of the formatting rules are order-independent. On rare occasions, the order of processing may be important. The rules are processed in the following order: raw HTML sections, HTML quoting, nowiki tags, backslash line joining, preformatted sections, paragraphs, lists and indented text, horizontal lines, italic/bold text, URLs, and finally ordinary WikiName links. [No longer fully accurate for 0.88, needs updating.]
PDF of Wiki Tips