Utopia and Anti-Utopia in Modern Times

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"Utopia and Anti- Utopia in Modern Times" by Kumar Krishan gives an indepth overview on what utopia and dystopia is using various authors, philosphers, and perspectives. Kumar Krishan helps the reader develop a good background on utopianism by showing how different utopias were developed over time and how society was changing and impacted by utopianism over the thousands of years. The compendium goes through ancient times to modern times through ancient Greece and Rome, nineteenth-century Europe, and nineteenth-century America. The compendium also gives indepth information on writers in certain time periods and their literary works.This is an excellent source to see how utopianism evolved over time and to see how writers changed their views over time on what utopianism is and how it might impact society at large.

Kumar, Krishan. Utopia and Anti-Utopia in Modern Times. New York: Basil Blackwell, 1987.