Rabbit-proof Fence
From Dickinson College Wiki
- European Arrival
- British Settlement
- Gold Rush
- Various Massacres
- Myall Creek Massacre
- Battle Mountain
- Massacre at Coniston
- Half Castes
- Stolen Generation
- Full blood (aborigines/white)
- White Status (advancement)
- Bred out/Die out
- Concept of "Helping the Native"
- Providing "Protection"
- 'crossbreeds', 'quadroons' and 'octoroons'
Methods of "Breeding out"
- 1869-1969 (time period)
- Forced Sexual intercourse by White men on Aborigine Women
- Continuity can "breed out" the Aborigine blood
- Child removal (Aboriginal Protection Act 1869)
- "forcible removal",
- "removal under threat or duress",
- "official deception",
- "uninformed voluntary release", and
- "voluntary release".
- Half castes institutions
- Moore River Native Settlement in Western Australia,
- Doomadgee Aboriginal Mission in Queensland,
- Ebenezer Mission in Victoria and
- Wellington Valley Mission in New South Wales.