Peast control

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Description: The Void Knights are a military order who have helped serve Guthix and his penchant for balance since the early Fourth Age. It is their job to ensure that the flux of good and evil coming through to RuneScape each day remains constant, but there are some beasts they find more difficult to accept than others. On a series of islands in the far south of the world they have found some portals that are nothing but pure evil, which must be shut down at any cost.

Requirements:your runescape accounts need 40+ Combat for Novice, 70+ Combat for Intermediate, and 100+ Combat for Veteran boats

Items Recommended: For players using melee, some decent armor and a weapon, for mages some runes, and for rangers a bow and some arrows. Food is not needed since when you are killed you respawn at the landing boat. An axe and a hammer are also recommended to repair gates and barricades. Cannons can't be taken to the island.

Note: When you die during this mini-game, you will not be teleported to Lumbridge/Falador and won't lose any stuff, so don't worry about losing your valuables.

This mini game is located at the Void Knights' outpost. To get there, talk to the Squire located on the most southern dock in Port Sarim. When you are on the island, head south. You will be at a fork or docks. You can go on all the docks but you can not enter all the boats.

  1. From the second fork, go right and follow that dock to the Veteran boat. You must be level 100 or higher to get on this boat.
  2. From where you started at the fork, if you go west you will come to another fork. Take the left side. That is the intermediate dock. You need level 70 or higher to get on this boat.
  3. From where you started at the fork, if you go straight, you will be at the novice dock. You need level 40 or higher to get on this boat.

When you enter the city, head south and cross the gangplank. You will now be in the landing boat waiting area. You will depart after 5 minutes after the last departure or when you have 25 people in the boat at once.

The point of this mini-game is to destroy all the portals before the Void Knight in the middle is killed.

This may sound easy, but there are a lot of monsters invading the island, eager to kill the Void Knight. Here are the monsters:

Note: All of the monsters can teleport, not just the shifters!

Note: Some people say your attacking style or using special attacks affects the monster coming through the portal. This is NOT true! When and where a monster appears is completely random. Also, when a monster can't be walked through, this also means you can't range, magic, or use a halberd over them.

Once the boat arrives on the monster-infested island, you have 3 options:

  1. Go and destroy the portals
  2. Stay and protect the Void Knight in the middle
  3. Climb up one of the ladders to defend the Void Knight there (Using Magic and Ranged)

There will also be a couple of icons in the upper left corner of your screen. (Shown Below)

This is located in the upper left corner of your screen when you reach the island. The squigly line inside a box shows the void knights health, the sword shows the total amount of damage that you have dealt, and the minutes show how long is left in the game.

This is located in the upper right corner of the screen when you reach the island. It shows the health, location and if the shield is enabled or has been disabled.

There are 4 portals total:

  1. Blue Portal: West of the camp
  2. Purple Portal: East of the camp
  3. Yellow Portal: South-East of the camp
  4. Red Portal: South-West of the camp

When you attack the portals, monsters will attack you to try and defend them. The monster that you have to worry about the most is the Spinner. It has the ability to heal the portals' health very fast, so when one appears, make sure you kill it quickly.

Portals have a fair amount of hit points, but are easy to destroy with a large group of people. It is very useful to split into two or three groups. One or two groups should go attack portals, and the other should stay and protect the Void Knight. If you have brought along a team that you gathered yourself, place jobs for each person, or stick them with groups.

When you attack the portal from behind, the creatures (except for shifters who will teleport next to you) can't attack you, though you should go attack a spinner when it appears.

The portals have indestructible magic shields protecting them when you start out the game. However, after a short amount of time, one of the shields will break down and the portal will become vulnerable to attacks. After a little while longer, another will become vulnerable, then another, then another. The order that they become vulnerable is completely random each game.

Note: When going through the gates, make sure you close them. Otherwise, the creatures can easily enter and swarm the Void Knight to death!

Defending the Void Knight

If you decide that you don't want to attack the portals, you may also try to defend the Void Knight. He/she has a decent amount of hit points, but if no one defends him/her or the gates, they will be dead in minutes. A good way of defending them is to attack the Shifters that appear by the Void Knight first.

After that you may want to go through the gate and kill some Torchers and Defilers, since there are a lot of these and they can deal a lot of damage to the Void Knight over the gates.

Note: Whenever a portal is destroyed, the Void Knight will heal 50 runescape gold.

Another way to defend the Void Knight is to chop down nearby trees and then use them to repair the broken gates. This requires a hammer and an axe. Kill any Ravagers to prevent them from destroying the gates again.

There are four towers located at the walls. You can climb one of the ladders and use them to attack creatures on the ground from there. Shifters can still teleport up the towers, so watch out! It is highly recommended to mage or range at one of the two towers near the southern gate, as that one is most heavily attacked. Using Ancient Magicks at these really helps to protect the Void Knight and gives great magic experience.


You may fail in destroying the portals before the Void Knight is killed. This isn't that bad, just try again!


When all the portals are destroyed, you will get a coin reward depending on your combat level along with Void Commendation points, 2 in the Novice boat, 3 in the Intermediate boat, and 4 in the Veteran boat. With these points you can buy a variety of different items. The full list is shown in the image below. To buy the armor, the Mace, or the helms you need 42 in Attack, Strength, Defence, Hitpoints, Ranged and Magic, as well as having 22 Prayer or more.

Please note: In order to get the reward you need to deal at least 50 points of damage. So even if your team wins, but you haven't dealt 50 points of damage, you will not receive any rewards.

Note: When you have 250 points, you won't get anymore from playing the game until you trade them in for experience.

The amount of coins you will receive is determined by adding a 0 on the last number of your combat level.

Example: A level 108 would receive 1080 coins per win.

Note: If you work hard enough and collect 100 points and cash them in all at once using the 100 pt option, you will receive an extra 10% experience. You can also use the 10 pt option to get a 1% experience bonus.