The Employment Relationship

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Henry Ford's Decision:

In 1914, Henry Ford decided to both decrease the hours worked per day and simultaneously double the hourly wage paid to his employees. At the time, nobody fully understood his reasoning. The Walrasian model held that employees' wages were uniquely determined by the labor supply. Thus, Ford, who at the time faced an ample supply of labor, was expected to pay his employees a wage equal to their next best alternative.

Yet, the year following Ford's change, not only did employment grow but also both the number of employees that quit dropped nearly 90% and the number of employees that were fired fell nearly 99%.

The Walrasian model cannot adequately explain this phenomena. It seems there must be other factors at play...

A Company's Production Function:

To start, we can assume the employer has the production function:

  • Assumptions:
    1. y' > 0
    2. y'' < 0
    3. h = # of hours worked (assuming 1 hour per worker)
    4. e ∈ [0,1] (Simply, e is the "effort" term and is equal to the amount per hour that a worker actually works)
    5. ε is an error term with μ=0
  • Note that e, the effort exerted by the worker, is a function of the wage (w), the level of monitoring (m), and an exogenously determined
    "next best alternative" we'll call z. Thus, e(w,m;z).

The Game:

The Employer Starts:

  • The employer seeks to maximize profit knowing that for a given wage rate (w), the employee will exert effort e.
  • At the beginning of the game the employer selects:
  1. The wage (w) to be payed to the employee
  2. The level of monitoring (m)
  3. A termination probability defined by t ∈ [0,1] with te < 0 and tm >0
    • The termination probability is simply the probability that, at the end of a given period, the worker will be fired for inadequate work. This probability is thus obviously a function of both the worker's effort and the employer's level of monitoring.

The Worker Responds:

  • The worker seeks to maximize his utility given the wage rate.
  1. The worker's per period utility is a function of both wage and effort.
    • u=u(w,e) with uw ≥ 0 and ue ≤ 0
      • ue ≤ 0 does not imply that the worker prefers to not work at all. Rather, it simply implies that the derivative of utility with respect to effort is not positive because this would mean that the employee would always choose to work more in order to maximize his utility.
  • The worker decides upon an e in order to maximize the present value of his utility package (v) according to a discount rate (i):
    • v=(u(w,e)+(1+t(e))v+t(e)z)/(1+i)

From this we can easily rearrange terms to get this:

Note that if the employee is fired the game ends and the employee receives z
