Nitrates in the Conodoguinet Creek

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History of Pollution in the Conodoguinet Creek


What are nitrates?:

Nitrates are Nitrogen-Oxygen chemical units. The primary sources of organic nitrates come from human sewage and livestock manure. The primary inorganic nitrates are potassium nitrate and ammonium nitrate both of which are widely used as fertilizers. Nitrates migrate to ground water which is often used as utility or drinking water. They do not evaporate naturally in water. The only way nitrates can be removed from water is if they are consumed by living organisms or treated at a water treatment center.

Health Effects of Nitrates

Short-term and Long-term exposure can cause serious health effects to humans and the environment. Standards and regulations have been set by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).

Utility System

Point Source Pollution

Non-Point Source Pollution

Current Regulations on Nitrates in Conodoguinet Creek

New Regulations