Alternatives to Capitalist Organization of Production/Distribution

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What is Capitalism?

Economic system of production based on private ownership of wealth and means of production Seperation of producers from means of productions; in essence, the elimination of independent producers Class based system Began around 1500 in Europe and British Isles Began series of changes unseen before Constant revolutionizing system of production

Why a need for change

Alperovitz "America Beyond Capitalism"

Domhoff "Who Rules America"

Yates "Why Unions Matter"

B, E, R "Understanding Capitalism"


International Cooperative Alliance

Summary: - ICA is an independent, non-governmental association which unites, represents and serves co-operatives worldwide. - Founded in 1895, ICA has 240 member organisations from 90 countries active in all sectors of the economy. Together these co-operatives represent more than 800 million individuals worldwide. - ICA's priorities and activities centre on promoting and defending the Co-operative Identity, ensuring that co-operative enterprise is a recognised form of enterprise that is able to compete in the marketplace. - It helps individuals, government authorities and regional and international institutions understand the co-operative model of enterprise. ICA is the voice of the co-operative movement. - ICA ensures that the right policy environment exists to enable co-operatives to grow and prosper. It helps its members in their lobbying for new legislation and more appropriate administrative procedures - ICA promotes capacity-building and financial support, it facilitates job creation and supports poverty reduction and microfinance programmes around the world. - Advocacy, linking donors to organizations, create partnerships, capacity (knowledge, development) building

United States Federation of Worker Cooperatives

The Capital Ownership Group

Achieving Social Justice