SP 10 Corporate Accountability
Guiding Principles
Those in favor of corporate accountability advocate for responsible business practices on the part of corporations. This includes obeying laws regarding appropriate wages, the formation of unions, environmental regulations, and discrimination issues, extending beyond the law to include the idea that human safety and well-being should be of higher importance than profit.
Corporate accountability is important because....
Wake Up WalMart
Wake Up WalMart is a grassroots campaign effort whose goal is to expose the unethical and illegal practices of America's largest retailer, WalMart. The organization maintains wakeupwalmart.com and blog.wakeupwalmart.com. Wake Up WalMart currently claims over 645,000 members and concerns itself with issues such as wages, unions, workers' rights, and discrimination on behalf of WalMart employees. On behalf of communities Wake Up WalMart exposes the company's cost to taxpayers and the blight the stores bring to rural and suburban areas. Part of their mission statement reads:
“We will be a vehicle through which millions of Americans can join together, from neighborhoods all across our nation, to harness the power of our consumer behavior and use it to reform a company. America’s largest corporation must reflect America’s values.” [1]
In short, Wake Up WalMart has two basic purposes. They want WalMart to be forced to change their policies so that they are more in the favor of workers, taxpayers, unions, and minorities. Additionally, Wake Up WalMart puts a great amount ot energy into preventing the spread of new WalMarts opening across the country. The organization empowers citizens to advocate against WalMart on a local and national level.
Corp Watch
Corp Watch does this... and is the shit....
Corporate Accountability International
Corporate Accountability International is cool
Multinational Monitor
Multinational Monitor....