Positive Futures Network
The Vermont Progressive Party is a third party independent of corporate sponsorship and organizes on a grassroots level. They seek social justice and political equality for all Vermonters and hope to provide a successful model for the United States political system as a whole.
What is the Positive Futures Network?

The Positive Futures Network is an organization with the belief that we need deep change if we are to avoid the breakdown of society and the natural world. It was founded by David Korten and Sarah van Gelder. It works to raise awareness for an emerging society in which life, not money, is what is important.
This organization publishes YES! Magazine. It is a non-profit, no ads magazine that is printed on recycled paper and archives all of its articles online. Each issue of the magazine focuses on a theme of social justice, working to show possibilities and practical steps people can take for change. There is also YES! for Youth, which is designed to inpsire and empower students. This magazine is widely distributed and encourages all of its readers to become part of a global community of change-makers.
The Positive Futures Network has also published two books that discuss possibilites for social transformation. The organization focuses on sustainability and social and economic justice.