Vocabulary BG6.13
adhibeo, -ere: have present; consult; summon, invite
plerique, -aeque, -aque: (post positive): the most of
potens, -ntis: powerful
nobilis, -e: noble, of high birth
druides, -um m.: Gallic priests
intersum, -esse, -fui: be between; engaged in, concerned with; take part
procuro, -are: attend to
constituo, -ere, -ui, -utum: establish, appoint, fix; put, place
facinus, -oris n.: crime, enormity
caedes, -is f.: slaughter
hereditas, -atis f.: inheritance
decerno, -ere, -crevi, -cretum: decide; decide upon, decree
decretum, -i n.: decree, decision
interdico, -ere, -xi, -ctum: forbid, warn
impius, -a, -um: wicked
aditus, -us n.: approach, advance; approach; admittance; privilege claim
contagio, -onis f.: contact, association
accipio, -ere, -cepi, -ceptum: accept, receive
honos, -oris m.: honor, distinction
praesum, -esse, -fui: be at the head of; be in charge of
excello, -ere, -ui: be eminent
suffragium, -i n.: vote, suffrage
consido, -ere, -sedi, -sessum: settle, take position; hold a session
decretum, -i n.: decree, decision
reperio, -ire, repperi, repertum: find; originate
disco, -ere, -didici: learn, be instructed