munus, muneris n.: gift
corrumpo, -ere: to gain to one's self by gifts, etc.; to bribe, buy over
desisto, -ere: stop
tempus, -oris n.: the fitting or appointed time, the right season, proper period, opportunity
occurro, -ere: come up to, to go or come to meet, to meet
trĭvĭum, -i n.: (ter-via) a place where three roads meet, a fork in the roads, cross-road
deduco, -ere: to lead out, conduct, escort, accompany a person out of the house, as a mark of respect
pulchrē (adv.): well, excellently
tendo (tenno), -ere, tĕtendi, tentum: go, travel
vello, -ere, vulsi, vulsum: pluck, pull pinch
presso (1): press
lentus, -a, -um: insensitive, sluggish, obstinate
nūto (1): nod
dis-torquĕo, -ere, -rsi, -rtum: twist
ē-rĭpĭo, -ere, -ĭpŭi, -eptum: save, rescue
salsus, -a, -um: witty
dissĭmŭlo (1): to feign that a thing is not that which it is; to dissemble, disguise; to hide, conceal
iecur, iecoris n.: liver
ūro, urere, ussi, ustum: To burn up, destroy by fire, consume
bīlis, is f.: bile (the bilious fluid secreted by the liver, iecur)