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cŏŏrĭor, -īri, -ortus: to rise, start up, break forth

fervĕo, -ēre, -bŭi: be glowing, red hot

fūsĭlis, -e: baked

argilla, -ae f.: clay

glans, -ndis f.: acorn, leaden bullet

fervefacio, -ere, feci, factum: heat, melt; make red hot, glowing

iaculum, -i n.: javelin

stramentum, -i n.: straw; pack saddle

exploratus, -a, -um: assured

scalae, -arum f.: ladder

torero, -ere, -ui, tostum: roast, parch, singe

conflagro, -are: be in flames

demigro, -are: move away; abandon a position

constipo, -are: crowd together

recessus, -us m.: retreat, opportunity of falling back

deturbo, -are: drive off