patior, pati, passus sum: suffer; allow; undergo, endure; permit
ferreus, -a, -um: iron, made of iron; cruel, unyielding
causidicus, -i, m.: advocate, barrister; pleader of causes
lectica, -ae, f.: litter
delator, -oris, m.: informer, who gives information/reports; accuser/denouncer/who accuses of crime
comedo, -ere, -i, comesus: eat up/away, chew up; finish eating; fret, chafe; consume/devour
supersum, -esse, -fui, -futurus: be left over; survive; be in excess/superfluous; remain to be performed
munus, -eris, n.: service; duty, office, function; gift; tribute, offering; bribes
palpo, -are: stroke; coax, flatter, wheedle
trepidus, -a, -um: nervous, jumpy, agitated; perilous, alarming, frightened
summitto, -ere, -misi, -missus: allow to grow long; emit, put forth, raise; lower, moderate, relieve; submit
summoveo, -ere, -movi, -motus: remove; drive off, dislodge; expel; ward off; keep at a distance; bar/debar
testamentum, -i, n.: will, testament; covenant
mereor, -eri, meritus sum: earn; deserve/merit/have right; win/gain/incur; earn soldier/whore pay, serve
eveho, -ere, -vexi, -vectus: carry away, convey out; carry up; exalt; jut out, project
vetulus, -a, -um: elderly, aging
vesica, -ae, f.: bladder; balloon
unciola, -ae, f.: little ounce; a small twelfth
deunx, -uncis, m.: eleven-twelfths; eleven parts; eleven percent
metior, -iri, mensus sum: measure, estimate; distribute, mete; traverse, sail/walk through
inguen, inguinis, n.: groin; the sexual organs, privy parts
heres, -edis: heir/heiress