From Dickinson College Wiki
Fūrĭus, -i, m.: Roman nomen gentile
villŭla, -ae, f.: dim. of villa country house
vester, -tra, -trum: 3rd pers. poss. adj., your, yours
Auster, -tri, m.: the south wind
flātus, -ūs, m.: blowing, breath, breeze
oppŏsĭtus, -a, -um: situated in front of; opposite, facing; pledged, pawned, mortgaged
nĕque: conj., adv. and not
saevus, -a, -um: fierce, savage
Bŏrĕas, -ae, m.: the north wind
Apheliotes, -ae, m.: the east wind
vērus, -a, -um: true
mille, pl. mīlia: a thousand
quindĕcim: indecl. adj., fifteen
dŭcenti, -ae, -a: two hundred
ō: interjection, expressing grief, pleasure, indignation, or adjuration
ventus, -i, m.: wind
horrĭbĭlis, -e: fearful, dreadful; rough, uncouth
atque: and
pestĭlens, -entis: unhealthy, noxious, pernicious