From Dickinson College Wiki
Rūfus, -i, m.: man's cognomen
Rūfŭlus, -i, m.: dim. of Rufus
fello (1): suck milk; perform oral sex on a man
uxor, -ōris, f.: wife
saepe: adv., often
sĕpulcrētum, -i, n.: cemetary, graveyard
răpĭo, -pĕre, -pŭi, -ptum: seize and carry off
rŏgo (1): ask, ask for
cēna, -ae, f.: dinner (the principal Roman meal, normally eaten in the evening)
dēvolvo, -volvĕre -volvi, -vŏlūtum: roll something down from
ignis, is, m.: fire; funeral pyre; any luminous object in the sky, such as a star; love's fire
prōsĕquor, -qui, -cūtus sum: escort; chase after
pānis, -is, m.: bread
sēmĭrāsus, -a, -um: partly shaven
tundo, tundĕre, tŭtŭdi, tusum: beat repeatedly, buffet, pound
ustor, -ōris, m.: a person employed to burn dead bodies