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dispĭcĭo, -spĭcĕre, -spexi, -spectum: look around; investigate

lūmen, -ĭnis, n.: radiance, light; day; the light of life; by metonymy, eye; a light-giving body in the heavens

mundus, -a, -um: heavens, sky, firmament; world, earth

stella, -ae, f.: star

ŏrĭor, orīri, ortus sum: rise

compĕrĭo, -pĕrīre, -pĕri, -pertum: find out, ascertain

atque: and

ŏbĕo, -īre, īvi or ĭi, -itum: meet, go into, take on

flammĕus, -a, -um: fiery; swift as fire

răpĭdus, -a, -um: strongly flowing, swiftly moving, rapid; scorching, consuming

sōlus, -a, -um: only, alone, lonely

nītor, nītī, nixus sum: lean; press onward; rely, depend

obscūro (1): darken

cēdo, cēdĕre, cessi, cessum: go; go away, depart

certus, -a, -um: fixed, definite, sure, unerring

sīdus, -ĕris, n.: star, planet, constellation

Trĭvĭa, -ae, f.: epithet of Diana, the triple goddess

furtim: adv., secretly, stealthily

sŭb: prep. w/ acc. or abl., under

saxum, -i, n.: stone, rock

rĕlēgo (1): banish, remove from the scene

dulcis, -e: sweet

ămo (1): love

gȳrus, -i, m.: circular course, orbit

dēvŏco (1): call down, summon

āĕrĭus or āĕrĕus, -a, -um: of the air, airy

caelestis, -e: of the heavens, celestial

līmen, -ĭnis, n.: threshold, doorway

ē, ex: out of, from, in accordance with

vertex, -ĭcis, m.: whirlpool, whirlwind; top of the head; summit

caesărĭes, -ēi, f.: long hair

fulgeo, fulgēre, fulsi: shine brightly, gleam

clārus, -a, -um: loud; bright; clear; famous

multus, -a, -um: much; a lot of, many a; (pl.) many

dĕa, -ae, f.: goddess

lĕvis, -e: light in weight; light, gentle; trivial, shallow, insignificant

prōtendo, -dĕre, -di, -tum: stretch out; extend forward over a distance

brāchĭum, -ii, n.:; arm

pollĭcĕor, -ēri, -ĭtus sum: offer, promise

tempestas, -ātis, f.: period, time, season; weather; storm

nŏvus, -a, -um: latest, last

augĕo, augĕre, auxi, auctum: augment, increase; glorify; enhance, equip, furnish

Hymĕnaeus, -i, m.: the Greek wedding refrain, hymeneal; personified as god of marriage; pl. marriage

vasto (1): make desolate; destroy, sack

fīnis, -is, m.: boundary; end; (pl.) territory

Assyrĭus, -a, -um: Assyrian; (by extension) Asiatic, oriental

nocturnus, -a, -um: of the night, night time

porto (1): carry

vestīgĭum, -ii, n.: footprint, trail, track; mark, vestige; course; foot

rixa, -ae, f.: quarrel, brawl

virgĭnĕus, -a, -um: of a virgin

gĕro, gĕrĕre, gessi, gestum: bear, conduct, carry on, do; wear

exŭvĭae, -ārum, f.: spoils of a defeated enemy

nūbo, -bĕre, -psi, -ptum: get married

ŏdĭum, -ii, n.: hatred

Vĕnus, -ĕris, f.: Venus or Aphrodite, goddess of love and charm

ăn: particle introducing questions with note of surprise or indignation: can it be that … ?; (after utrum) or

pārens, -entis: parent

frustror, -āri, -ātus sum: deceive, baffle; disappoint, frustrate

fallo, fallĕre, fĕfelli, falsum: trick, deceive, mislead; pass., err

gaudĭum, -ii, n.: joy, delight, gladness

lăcrĭmŭla, -ae, f.: dim. of lacrima, tear

ūbertim: copiously

thălămus, -i, m.: bedroom

intrā: prep. w/ acc., within, inside

fundo, fundĕre, fūdi, fūsum: pour, pour forth, emit, utter

dīvus, -a, -um: divine, holy

vērus, -a, -um: true

gĕmo, -ĕre, -ŭi, -ĭtum: groan, moan, lament

dŏcĕo, -cēre, -cŭi, -ctum: tell, inform; teach

rēgīna, -ae, f.: queen

quĕrella, -ae, f.: complaint, protest, lament

invīso, -sĕre, -si, -sum: go to see; look upon

proelĭum, -ii, n.: battle (sing. & pl.)

torvus, -a, -um: grim, fierce, stern

vĭr, vĭri, m.: man; husband; (poet.) manhood

orbis, -is, m.: disk; sphere

lūgĕo, -ēre, -xi, -ctum: mourn

dēsĕro, -rĕre -rŭi, -rtum: forsake, leave

cŭbīle, -is, n.: bed, couch

frāter, -tris, m.: brother

cārus, -a, -um: dear

flēbĭlis, -e: worthy of tears, lamentable

discĭdĭum, -ii, n.: splitting; separation

pĕnĭtus, -a, -um: adv., from within; far away; deeply

maestus, -a, -um: sad

exĕdo, -ĕdĕre, -ēdi, -ēsum: eat up, eat away

cūro (1): watch over, care for, care about

mĕdulla, -ae, f.: the marrow of the bones; the interior, inside, seat of the emotions

tunc: adv., at that time

tōtus, -a, -um: the whole, all

pectus, -ŏris, n.: breast, chest; soul, heart, mind

sollĭcĭtus, -a, -um: restless, troubled, anxious

sensus, -ūs, m.: sensation; any of the senses; conciousness

ērĭpĭo, -ĭpĕre, -ĭpŭi, -eptum: snatch away, remove

mens, mentis, f.: mind

excĭdo, -cĭdĕre, -cĭdi: fall off, drop out; lapse, fail

cognosco, -gnoscĕre, -gnōvi, -gnĭtum: get to know; know

parvus, -a, -um: little

virgo, -ĭnis, f.: maiden, virgin; the constellation Virgo

magnănĭmus, -a, -um: noble-spirited, brve, bold

bŏnus, -a, -um: good; of "good" social standing

oblīviscor, -līviscī, -lītus sum: forget, w/ gen. or acc. of object forgotten

făcĭnus, -ŏris, n.: deed; evil deed, wrong, crime

ădĭpiscor, -ĭpiscī, -eptus sum: catch up with, attain, win

coniunx, -iŭgis, m. or f.: spouse, consort, mate, wife, husband

fortis -e,: strong; brave

audĕo, audēre, ausus: semi-dep., dare

ălo, ălĕre, ălŭi, altum: nurse, feed, foster; cherish

tum: adv., then, at that time

mitto, mittĕre, mīsi, missum: send, send forth; (of weapons) throw, cast, hurl; emit, utter; cease, desist, omit; let go, release, abandon, discard; give

verbum, -i, n.: word

lŏquor, lŏqui, -cātus sum: speak; tell

Iūppĭter, Iŏvis, m.: Juppiter or Zeus, chief of the Olympian gods; by metonymy, the weather, wind, sky

tristis, -e: grim, fierce, gloomy; unhappy, sad

saepe: adv., often

mănus, -ūs, f.: hand

mūto (1): change; in pass., w/ acc. of thing received in exchange & abl. of price paid, buy; exchange, take in exchange

tantus, -a, -um: so much, pl. so many; so great, such

longus, -a, -um: long; tall, svelte

căvĕo, căvēre, cāvi, cautum: beware

corpus, -ŏris, n.: body

absum, abesse, āfui, āfŭtārus: be absent

vŏlo, velle, volui: wish, be willing

ĭbĭ̄: adv., there, in that place; then, there and then

cunctus, -a, -um: the whole of, all

taurīnus, -a, -um: of a bull

sanguis, -ĭnis, m.: blood

rĕdĕo, -īre, -ĭi, -ĭtum: return

haud or haut: part., not

căpĭo, căpĕre, cēpi, captum: catch, snatch

Ā̆sĭa, -ae, f.: Asia, esp. Asia Minor; the East

Aegyptus, -i, f.: Egypt

addo, -dĕre, -dĭdi, -dĭtum: add

reddo, -dĕre, -dĭdi, -dĭtum: give back, restore; repay (a debt, obligation, or vow); pay (honor, tribute, etc.); render, turn something or someone into

coetus, -us, m.: meeting; band, company, group, crowd

pristĭnus, -a, -um: ancient; previous

vŏvĕo, vŏvēre, vōvi, vōtum: promise, vow

mūnus, -ĕris, n.: function, duty, task; gift; favor

dissolvo, -solvĕre, -solvi, -sŏlūtum: break up; pay, discharge

invītus, -a, -um: unwilling

ō: interjection, expressing grief, pleasure, indignation, or adjuration

adiūro (1): affirm with an oath; swear by (w/ acc.)

căpŭt, -ĭtis, n.: head

dignus, -a, -um: appropriate, worthy

fĕro, fĕrre, tŭli, lātum: bear, carry; endure, withstand; say; take, accept

ferrum, -i, n.: iron, steel; sword

postŭlo (1): demand; claim, assert

păro (1): furnish, supply; obtain

quŏque: also

ēverto, -tĕre, -ti, -sum: turn upside down; bring down

mons, -tis, m.: mountain

ōs, ōris, n.: mouth; face, countenance

prōgĕnĭes, -ēi, f.: offspring, progeny

sŭpervĕhor, -vĕhī, -vectus sum: (pass., w/ acc.) carry or drive over

Mēdus, -i, m.: a Mede or Persian

părĭo (1): give birth to; produce

măre, -is, n.: sea

iŭventus, -ūtis, f.: the youth; men of military age, the soldiery

mĕdĭus, -a, -um: middle; the middle of

classis, -is, f.: any designated group or class; fleet

barbărus, -a, -um: outlandish; "barbarian," spec. non-Greek, e.g., Persian

no (1): swim; float, sail

crīnis, -is, m.: a lock or braid of hair; hair

tālis, -e: such a, such

gĕnus, -ĕris, n.: stock, family; offspring; kind, type; way, method, mode

pĕrĕo, -īre, -ĭi (-īvi), -ĭtum: vanish; be done in,perish, die; (hyperb.) suffer intensely, be in big trouble

principio: adv., first of all

terra, -ae, f.: earth; land

quaero, quaerĕre, -sīvi or -sĭi, -sītum: ask, ask for, seek

vēna, -ae, f.: blood vessel; vein of ore

insisto, -sistĕre, -stĭti: stand on; set about, set to work on

stringo, -ingĕre, -inxi, -ictum: bind fast; draw (iron) into bars, case harden

dūrĭtĭes, -ei, f.: hardness

abiungo, -gĕre, -xi, -ctum: separate, detach

paulum, -i, n.: a little bit

antĕ: adv., before, previously

cŏma, -ae, f.: hair, lock of hair; foliage

for, fāri, fātus sum: speak, say, tell

sŏror, -ōris, f.: sister

Memnon, -ŏnis, m.: legendary king of Aethiopia, son of Eos/ Aurora, brother of Zephyrus

Aethĭŏps, -ŏpis, m.: an Ethiopian

ūnĭgĕna, -ae: born together with, twin; sharing a single parentage; (as substantive) brother

impello, -pellĕre, -pŭli, -pulsum: beat against, drive, compel

nūto (1): nod, sway; beat rhythymically

āēr, āĕris, m.: air

penna, -ae, f.: wing

offĕro, offĕrre, obtŭli, oblātum: put in one's path; provide, offer; cause

ĕquus, -i, m.: horse

aethĕrĭus, -a, -um: of the sky or heavens

tollo, tollĕre, sustŭli, sublātum: pick up, raise, tke, carry off, steal

āvŏlo (1): fly away

umbra, -ae, f.: shade, shadow

vĕnĭo, vĕnīre, vēni, ventum: come

castus, -a, -um: free from vice, pure, chaste

collŏco (1): set, place; set out, arrange on a marriage bed

grĕmĭum, -ii, n.: lap

fămŭlus, -i, m.: servant, slave

lĕgo, lĕgĕre, lēgi, lectum: gather; remove; pick out; read, read about

incŏla, ae, f.: inhabitant

lītus, -ŏris, n.: shore

dĭes, -ēi, m. or f.: day

vărĭus, -a, -um: different, various; many-colored; dappled

nē: neg. adv. & conj., introducing prohibitions, clauses of purpose, etc.: do not, let not, lest, in order that not, etc.

caelum, -i, n.: the sky or heavens

aurĕus, -a, -um: golden

fīgo, -gĕre, -xi, -xum: drive in; pierce

cŏrō̆na, -ae, f.: wreath, crown; a circle of bystanders, esp. at a legal proceeding

dēvōtus, -a, -um: accursed; vowed as an offering

flāvus, -a, -um: yellow, gold-colored, blonde

ūvĭdŭlus, -a, -um: damp

fluctus, -ūs, m.: wave

templum, -i, n.: a consecrated area; a zone, space, region, or quarter

antīquus, -a, -um: lying in front; ancient

pōno, pōnĕre, pŏsŭi, pŏsĭtum: put, place; provide

saevus, -a, -um: fierce, savage

contingo, -tingĕre, -tĭgi, -tactum: come in contact with; touch, reach

lĕo, -ōnis, m.: lion

iungo, -ngĕre, -nxi, -nctum: yoke, join, unite

Lycāŏnĭus, -a, -um: of or descended from Lycaon, e.g., Callisto

verto, -tĕre, -ti, -sum: turn; translate

occāsus, -ūs, m.: opportunity; setting (of a heavenly body)

tardus, -a, -um: slow, late, dull

dux, dŭcis m.: leader

Bŏōtes, -ae, m.: the constellation Bootes

vix: adv., with difficulty; scarcely

sĕro, sĕrĕre, sēvi, sătum: sow, plant

mergo, -gĕre, -si, -sum: dip, plunge, immerse

Ōcĕănus, -i, m.: Ocean, god of the sea, husband of Tethys

quisquam, quicquam: indef. pron., anyone, anything

nox, noctis, f.: night

prĕmo, -ĕmĕre, -essi, -essum: press, weigh down

lux, lūcis, f.: light, ray; by metonymy, day; sweetheart

cānus, -a, -um: white, whitened

rēstĭtŭo, -ŭĕre, -ŭi, -ūtum: rebuild; restore, cure; give back unharmed or in its original state

pax, pācis, f.: peace

lĭcet, -cēre, -cŭit: impers., it is permitted

ullus, -a, -um: any

tĭmor, -ōris, m.: fear, anxiety

tĕgo, -gĕre, -xi, -ctum: cover

infestus, -a, -um: hostile, warlike; troublesome

discerpo, -pĕre, -psi, -ptum: tear to pieces

condĭtus, -a, -um: put away, preserved

quīn: adv., why not; conj., (w/ expr. of no objection) that not; so as to prevent; (w/ expr. of no doubt) that, but that

ēvolvo, -volvĕre, -volvi, -vŏlūtum: unwrap; make known, take the wraps off

tam: adv., to such a degree, so

laetor, -āri, -ātus sum: rejoice, be glad

āfŏre: be absent

semper: adv., always, forever

dŏmĭna, -ae, f.: mistress

discrŭcĭo (1): torment, vex

dum: conj., as long as; (w. historical pres.) while; (w/ subjunctive) provided that; (w/ ind. or subj.) until

quondam: adv., once, formerly

expers, -tis: having no share of; immune to

unguentum, -i, n.: a fragrant ointment, unguent, or perfume

ūnus, -a, -um: adj., one, alone, only; any, an ordinary

mille, pl. mīlia: a thousand

bĭbo, bĭbĕre, bĭbi: drink

nunc: adv., now

vos: 2nd pers. pl. pron., you

opto (1): wish, choose, desire

taeda, -ae, f.: pinewood, esp. as used in torches; torch; marriage torch, by metonymy, wedding

prĭor, -ĭus: former

ūnănĭmus, -a, -um: sharing a single attitude, like-minded

trādo, trādĕre, -dĭdi, -dĭtum: hand down, consign, entrust, pass on

nūdo (1): make naked, denude, bare

rēĭcĭo, rēĭcĕre, reiēci, -iectum: throw back

vestis, -is, f.: clothing; any drapery, such as a bedspread or sail (cf. Eng. A suit of sails)

păpilla, -ae, f.: nipple; breast

iūcundus, -a, -um: pleasant, delightful

lībo (1): pour as a libation

ŏnyx, -ychis, m. and f.: a perfume jar of onyx

vester, -tra, -trum: 3rd pers. poss. adj., your, yours

cŏlo, cŏlĕre, colŭi, cultum: inhabit; till; look after

iūro (1): swear an oath

impūrus, -a, -um: dirty; morally foul, impure

ădultĕrĭum, -ii, n.: an adulterous act; adultery

mălus, -a, -um: bad, evil, malicious

dōno (1): give, dedicate

irrĭtus, -a, -um: not ratified, null and void; empty, unfulfilled, vain

pulvis, -ĕris, m.: dust; sand

indignus, -a, -um: unworthy; undeserved

praemĭum, -ii, n.: payment, offering, prize, reward

nullus, -a, -um: adj. & subst., not one, no, none; with adverbial force, not at all

pĕto, -ĕre, -īvi and -ĭi, -ītum: seek

magis: adv., more

concordĭa, -ae, f.: harmony

sĕdeo, sĕdēre, sēdi, sessum: sit

incŏlo (1): inhabit, dwell in

assĭdŭus, -a, -um: settled; constantly present, persistent, unremitting

tŭĕor, tŭēri, tuĭtus sum: look at, view, observe

dīva, -ae, f.: goddess; any female immortal, e.g., the sea nymph Thetis

plāco (1): cause to be favorably disposed, conciliate, appease

festus, -a, -um: festal, holiday

unguen, -ĭnis, n.: aromatic oil, perfume, unguent

pŏtĭus: adv., more, more than, rather

affĭcĭo, affĭcĕre, affēci, affectum: produce an effect on; treat, visit

corrŭo, -ŭĕre, -ŭi: fall down, collapse

ŭtĭnam: particle used to express a wish: would that, how I wish that

rēgĭus, -a, -um: royal; princely, splendid

proxĭmus, -a, -um: nearest