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quis, quid: interr. and indef. pronoun: who? what? anyone, anything

quārē: interr. & rel. adv., how? for what reason? on account of which thing; wherefore, therefore

rŏsĕus, -a, -um: rosy, red

iste, -a, -ud: pron. & pron. adj., this (which you have or see); this

lăbellum, -i, n.: (dim. of labrum) lip

hībernus, -a, -um: of winter

candĭdus, -a, -um: bright; white; fair-skinned (implying beauty); gorgeous (of a woman)

nix, nĭvis, f.: snow

māne: adv., in the morning

dŏmus, -ūs, f.: home; house, family

exĕo, -īre, -ĭi, -ĭtum: go out, leave

octāvus, -a, -um: eighth

quĭes, -ētis, f.: sleep, repose

ē, ex: out of, from, in accordance with

mollis, -e: soft, mild, languid, voluptuous

longus, -a, -um: long; tall, svelte

suscĭto (1): rouse, dislodge

hōra, -ae, f.: hour

dĭes, -ēi, m. or f.: day

nescĭo, -īre -īvi or -ĭi, -ītum: not to know

certus, -a, -um: fixed, definite, sure, unerring

ăn: particle introducing questions with note of surprise or indignation: can it be that … ?; (after utrum) or

vērus, -a, -um: true

fāma, -ae, f.: fame; rumor

sŭsurro (1): whisper

grandis, -e: grown up; big

mĕdĭus, -a, -um: middle; the middle of

tentus, -a, -um: taut; engorged, erect

vŏro (1): devour, eat up

vĭr, vĭri, m.: man; husband; (poet.) manhood

clāmo (1): shout, cry out

victor, -ōris, m.: winner, victor

rumpo, rumpĕre, rūpi, ruptum: break, rupture, split, burst

mĭsellus, -a, -um: dim. of miser, poor little; wretchedly in love

īlĭa, -ĭum, n.: groin, genitals

lā̆brum, -i, n.: lip

nŏto (1): mark, stain

sĕro, sĕrĕre, sēvi, sătum: sow, plant