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nēmō̆, neminis, m.: nobody, no one

tantus, -a, -um: so much, pl. so many; so great, such

pŏpŭlus, -i, m.: the people; the public, people in general; populace

bellus, -a, -um: pretty, nice, fine, charming

dīlĭgo, -lĭgĕre, -lexi, -lectum: love, be fond of

incĭpĭo, -cĭpĕre, -cēpi, -ceptum: begin

praeterquam: conj., except as; beyond, except

iste, -a, -ud: pron. & pron. adj., this (which you have or see); this

mŏrĭbundus, -a, -um: dying, moribund: decaying

sēdes, -is, f.: seat, place, home

hospĕs, -ĭtis, m.: guest, visitor; stranger

ĭnaurātus, -a, -um: gilded, gold plated

stătŭa, -ae, f.: statue

nunc: adv., now

cor, cordis, n.: heart

praepōno, -pōnĕre, -pŏsui, -pŏsĭtum: place in front; give preference to

audĕo, audēre, ausus: semi-dep., dare

nescĭo, -īre -īvi or -ĭi, -ītum: not to know

făcĭnus, -ŏris, n.: deed; evil deed, wrong, crime